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第二章是从概念功能角度探讨语篇分析。Chapter two discusses discourse analysis through the ideational function.

在功能语法的框架中,信息功能也被称为概念功能。Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.

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评论专栏中的概念语法隐喻以名物化为主要表现形式。Nominalization is the major realization of the ideational grammatical metaphor in opinion columns.

在系统功能语法中,语法隐喻可分为概念语法隐喻、人际语法隐喻。In the systemic-functional grammar, grammatical metaphor is divided into ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor.

及物结构体现概念意义,可以用来有效分割英语长句。And the Transitivity structure, realizing the Ideational meaning, is useful in dividing long and complicated English sentences.

1996年,韩礼德摒弃了最初的“概念语法隐喻”及“人际语法隐喻”的分类,将语法隐喻重新分为13类。In 1996, Halliday reclassified GM into 13 types instead of his former classification of GM as ideational GM and interpersonal GM.

与概念隐喻和人际隐喻一样,语篇隐喻是语法隐喻的一个有机组成部分。Like ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor, textual metaphor is one of the organic constituents of grammatical metaphor.

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功能语旨不仅决定人际意义的选择,而且还决定着对概念意义和语篇意义的选择。Functional tenor decides not only the choice on the interpersonal meaning but also the choice on the ideational meaning and textual meaning.

作为纯理功能之一的概念功能,表达的是客观世界和主观世界的信息内容,对它的理解与传译是翻译活动的关键所在。To understand and translate the ideational function, which expresses the main content of the world, is the essential part of translation activity.

在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text.

这一理论范式结合了主流的现实主义和自由主义理论,不忽视建构主义理论的观念因素,具有其自身的特色。This paradigm, with its own characteristics, combines mainstream realism and liberalism theory, while not ignoring the ideational factor of constructivism.

本文运用三大纯理功能之经验功能理论中的及物性对一具体的新闻报道进行实例分析。Using the transitivity of ideational function in the three meta-functions of the language, this paper attempts to analyze a piece of news from China Daily.

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语法隐喻是系统功能语法的一个重要概念,包括概念隐喻和人际隐喻。Grammatical metaphor is one of the most significant concepts in Systemic Functional Grammar, which consists of ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor.

人类文化学对于文化的分层归类为本文建立了研究的框架,同时提供了认识文化误译的本体论。Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis, making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories, as addressed previously.

本文首先对照应以及指称、回指等相关范畴进行界定,然后重点评介了国内外从功能语篇角度对回指现象的研究,探讨各种研究方法的贡献与不足之处。This paper gives an analysis on the usage of code-switching from the functional point of view, and points out its ideational and textual functions in practical use.

其次谈了他政论文的思想内容,包括他的君臣思想,管制思想和人才思想。The second section focuses on the ideational contents of Wang's political theory, which include the idea of ruler and subject, the idea of controlling and the idea of talents.

新中国当代观念水墨一方面有效借鉴了西方当代艺术的观念和方法,另一方面又很好地传承了传统水墨的文脉,所以得到了很好的发展。New Chinese Contemporary ideational Ink not only borrow ideas from western contemporary art, but also inherited the traditional ink context successfully. It is developing with vitality.

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这些语法隐喻主要出现在韩礼德概念隐喻的第二及第三层面即及物性系统内各过程的隐喻化和词汇语法层面的隐喻化。而这些语法隐喻大多数是通过名词化实现的。They mainly occur in the form of ideational metaphor at the level in configuration of transitivity functions and in sequence of group-phrase classes realized by the work of nominalization.

对比参照点的概念功能表现为说理功能,人际功能表现为加强语气和传递语力的功能。The ideational function of the comparative reference point is for argumentation, while the interpersonal function of it is for conveying intensive moods, attitudes and illocutionary forces.

语篇翻译不仅要从概念意义上进行分析,还应从意义所在的语域来分析语篇意义和交际意义。In the process of discourse translation, translators should analyze not only ideational meanings of a discourse, but also textual meanings and interpersonal meanings from specific registers.