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但是大名没有任何犹豫。Still, the Daimyo didn't hesitate.

现在,在大名岛津贵久的带领下,岛津氏迎来一个真正迈向强大的机会。Now, under the daimyo Shimazu Takahisa, the clan has a chance for true greatness.

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成为大名希罗什的封臣确实是了不起的成就,但那远远不够。Becoming the vassal of the Daimyo Hiroshi is a definite improvement, but it is not enough.

看到网上的广告的戴大名也加入到了霜冻前夜乐队的队伍中。See the online advertising wear daimyo also joined the ranks of the frost in the eve of the band.

排练非常成功,于是戴大名也成了霜冻前夜正式的键盘手。Rehearsal was very successful, so wearing a daimyo became the eve of the official frost keyboards.

在明治维新后,原来的大名便成为定居东京领取恩俸的贵族。After the Meiji Restoration, the daimyo were converted into a pensioned nobility residing in Tokyo.

随后,麒麟带着大名横跨阻碍他与涧灵之岛之间的大海。In a matter of hours, the creature crossed the seas that separated the Daimyo from the Island of Spring.

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当太阳落下海面,大名走向麒麟,并随后溶解于水中。When the sun finally dipped beneath the waves, the Daimyo presented himself to the Kirin, and was instantly dissolved into water.

各地大名必须轮流返回江户居住的参觐交代也更好的帮助德川幕府控制下属大名。Sankin kotai, a system whereby daimyo alternated residency between Edo and their domain, also helped the shogunate keep control of the daimyo.

1613年,他颁布公家诸法度,将大名们置于严格法规下,将他们架空为礼仪上的傀儡领袖。In 1613, he composed the Kuge Shohatto' a document which put the court daimyo under strict supervision, leaving them as mere ceremonial figureheads.

整个国家陷入内战状态之后,大名往往拥有小而巩固的领地,领地内所有土地都属于他们自己或他们的家臣。As the country descended into internecine war, daimyo tended to hold small but consolidated domains in which all the land belonged to themselves or their vassals.

除此之外,日本经常发生自然灾害,年年饥荒,这些使得暴乱更多,中央政府和大名的财政问题越来越深。In addition, Japan regularly experienced natural disasters and years of famine that caused riots and further financial problems for the central government and the daimyo.

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姚明没吃中午饭就开始签名,由于排队球迷太多,巨人为了不让支持者们失望,一直饿着肚子,在球迷们的纪念品上留下大名。Yao did not have to start lunch signed on, as fans line up too many Giants supporters were disappointed not to have been an empty stomach, at the fans on the souvenir Daimyo left.

再回到城市中心的大名区,尽管大名没有多少有名的建筑,但是,这里狭窄错综的街道却隐藏着这座城市里最为热闹的夜景和一些非同寻常的时尚小店。Back in the center of town, the Daimyo district has few conspicuous buildings, but its narrow, converging streets shelter some of the city's hottest night spots and most exclusive boutiques.