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如今我们有佩由。Today we have Pew.

我镇静地坐在教堂的长椅上,没有尖叫,没有哀号。I sit poised in my pew. No screaming or wailing.

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他们在教堂中安座位,有时又把教堂锁上。They pew their churches and sometimes lock them.

他在1998年荣获皮氏基金会海洋保育奖助。He became a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation in 1998.

这就是哈奇每个星期天做礼拜的位子。This is the pew that the Hatch’s sat on Sunday services.

皮尤的总裁安德鲁科胡特总结了伊拉克战争的影响。Pew President Andrew Kohut summed up the Iraq war's impact.

在2009年全球态度调查证实了这个印象。The 2009 Pew Global Attitudes Project confirms this impression.

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雷夫.迪安.贝利在联合卫理公会教堂的后排座位上。Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.

德维拉科恩是皮尤研究中心的研究员和作家。D'Vera Cohn is a researcher and writer for the Pew Research Center.

而对全球的中产阶级来说,皮尤研究中心称它比现实更有希望。As for a global middle class, Pew called it more promise than reality.

还在圣文森大教堂的最后一排椅上默默坐上半个钟头。He spends a half-hour sitting quietly in the back pew of St. Vincent's.

如果不站在跪垫上,透过靠背长凳的椅背我几乎看不到任何东西。I could barely see over the back of the pew without standing on a kneeler.

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一个叫“普优西语裔研究中心”的组织专门就这个问题进行研究。One organization that carries out research on such issues is the Pew Hispanic Center.

上月的一份佩尤机构发出一份调查,结果是美国人对佩林女士的看法是一半一半。Pew poll last month found that Americans' opinions of Mrs Palin were evenly balanced.

我作为吉尔伯特的家属坐在前排,聆听着为他而写的颂词。I sat with Gilbert's family in the front pew and listened to the tributes to his life.

佩尤的报告称,偏见仍具有一定影响,尽管它难以量化。The Pew report said prejudice still played some part, although it was hard to quantify.

皮尤环境集团,保罗Shively敦促他所说的预防方法。At the Pew Environment Group, Paul Shively urges what he calls a precautionary approach.

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皮尤研究中心发现,负责养家的母亲数量自1960年以来翻了四倍。The Pew Research center finds that share of bread winning moms has quadruple since 1960.

根据皮尤的数据,468家数字新闻公司已经创造了近5000个全职岗位。Around 5,000 full-time jobs have been created at 468 digital-news firms, according to Pew.

多数人在坐位上向前欠身抓住前排坐位靠背后的扶手。Mostly, people leaned forward in their seats and grabbed the rail of pew in front of them.