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真该把他吊死。He should be strung up!

他拖长了他的演讲。He strung out his lecture.

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这把小提琴装的松了。The violin is loosely strung.

那位歌唱者相当紧张。The singer is rather strung up.

她用细尼龙线把珠子串了起来。She strung the beads with a fine nylon.

崔西把一些珠珠串成了一条项链。Tracy strung some beads into a necklace.

他的讲话拖长了15分钟。His speech was strung out for 15 minutes.

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珠子被串在十分细的尼龙丝上。The beads were strung on very fine nylon.

这些鱼用线穿成了一串。The fishes were strung together on a cord.

他们在房间四周挂起了彩灯。They strung up coloured lights round the room.

一堆洗好的衣服晾晒在一座破落房屋的门廊前。Laundry is strung across a sagging front porch.

我们都为他的精彩进球兴奋不已。All of us were strung highly by his wonderful goal.

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他串词串得越长,我变得越镇定。The longer he strung it out, the calmer I got tobe.

这些宝石穿在一根银链上。These jewels are strung together on a silver chain.

他们还挂起了一根晾衣绳,将旧衣服挂在上面。They also strung up a clothesline to hang old clothes.

杂货店和肉食店都扎着冬青树。Grocery stores and meat markets were strung with holly.

连贯的话语听起来有音乐感。Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.

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有时侯我想世界就是一长串的词串起来的。Sometimes I think the world is strung together by words.

在长途赛马临近终点时,马与马这间的距离拉开了。The horses were strung out towards the end of a long race.

任何悬挂在丝,棉,尼龙,甚至可以延伸。Anything strung on silk, cotton and even nylon can stretch.