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集群发送器通道。Cluster sender channel.

也能组成一个集合。They cluster in that way.

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启动每个集群成员。Starts each cluster member.

透明集群POJO。Cluster POJOs transparently.

为什么创建混合式集群?Why create a hybrid cluster?

在所有节点上启动集群。Start the cluster on all nodes.

混合式集群的先决条件Prerequisites for a hybrid cluster

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对集群中的所有节点都这样做。Do this for all nodes in the cluster.

蔓上挂着一串串葡萄。A cluster of gropes hung from the vine.

将应用程序安装到集群中。Install the application to the cluster.

自动生成不能在群集中使用。AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

所以说我选的就是洛杉矶集体课,So the cluster I chose is the LA cluster,

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每个簇都是由唯一的索引号来标识。Each cluster are the only index to identify.

我给你们一些观点。So I'm going to give you a cluster of views.

我们乘坐的飞机颠簸着穿过了那块云团。Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.

有一群戏迷围在这个演员身旁。There was a cluster of fans around the actor.

群集于丝幕中,夜出食叶。Cluster in silk screen, night out food leaves.

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图1支链淀粉结构的模型。Fig. 1 Cluster model of amylopectin structure.

可以在集群的任何服务器中这样做。This can be done on any server of the cluster.

泰国政府否认使用了集束炸弹。The Thai government denies using cluster bombs.