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目的论给自由留下了空间吗?What room does teleology leave for freedom?

这个秩序是从自然中和它的目的论中所发现的。That order was known from Nature and its teleology.

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我的目的就是描写性格。By teleology it intended the purposefulness of nature.

康德深以这一观点为是,但他最终相信目的论。Kant identify with this view deeply, but he believes teleology finally.

知情同意的道德基础可以从义务论和目的论两个方面得到辩护。The theory of informed consent can be justified from two aspects of deontology and teleology.

合规律性和合目的性是检验实践合理性的标准。It is the regularity and teleology that is the standard for testifying the rationality of practice.

康德从启蒙运动对目的论的抛弃中看到了现代性的征兆。Kant foresees the symptom of modernity through the fate of teleology abandoned by the enlightenment.

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在我国,规范论和目的论是相互对立的,并且似乎缺乏深层沟通的愿望。In our country, deontology and teleology are opposite and have no deep wish to understand each other.

即使赞成他目的论和反简化论点的心理学家也未必对他心服。Even psychologists who applaud his teleology and antireductionist position may not be comfortable with him.

这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学思想目的论的核心内涵。Atahis isn't only the Confucianism but also the nuclear connotation of the Chinese archaic finery aesthetics teleology.

由于关涉到哲学方法论与存在论,对目的论的讨论更为复杂。And cause of related to the philosophical methodology and ontology, the discuss toward teleology seems more complicated.

然而,由手段论体育价值观向目的论体育价值观的转移是一种社会发展必然的趋势。It is inevitable trend that the method of physical value standpoint transfers to the teleology of physical value standpoint.

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法治工具主义是人类社会的普遍现象,法治目的论则是人类社会的特定历史条件下独特的现象。Instrumentalism can exist in any kinds of society, whereas teleology is an unique phenomenon under particular social condition.

心理学家关于心理过程作用是由机制或是目的来决定已经争论许多年。Personality theorists have argued for many years about whether psychological processes function in terms of mechanism or teleology.

传统的发展观是一种历史形而上学的发展观,包括道德目的论和庸俗进化论两种形式。Traditional development conception is a kind of historical metaphysic conception which includes moral teleology and vulgar evolutionism.

目的论将研究聚焦在翻译过程中各种目的的选择上,能够弥补传统翻译研究的不足。Teleology focuses on the selecting of all targets in the course of translating, which may compensate the shortcomings in traditional translation.

关于自然运行的目的论,康德指出,自然的所有技艺都来自于物质,它的力量也取决于物质定律。On the teleology of nature's workings, Kant discusses how the whole technique of nature seems to be derived from matter and its powers according to mechanical laws.

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正是基于这一逻辑起点,本文所倡导的人性教育在目的观、课程观和方法观上都充分体现了以“人”为本、保存和发展人性的教育追求。Human-nature education , which is advocated in this article, stresses its viewpoints of developing human nature on teleology? methodology and ideology of curriculum.

启蒙运动所隐含的机械主义和功利主义两重现代性倾向共同侵夺了精神世界的地盘,其最终的结果就是目的论的陨落。The enlightenment contains two tendencies of modernity, mechanism and utilitarianism, which eat into the area of spirit and ultimately cause the demise of teleology.

康德政治哲学具体表现在“政治自由主义”和“理想的世界主义”两方面,这是其目的论在政治法律层面的落实。Kants political philosophy is embodied particularly in his "political liberalism" and"ideal cosmopolitanism", as are the political and legal manifestations of his teleology.