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华城是韩国首都首尔南部水源市的要塞。Hwaseong is the fortification of the city Suwon south of Seoul in South Korea.

远处,可以看到阿富汗政府军的防御工事和警察的据点。In the distance the fortification of an Afghan army and police post was visible.

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布局范例为框架布局,抗震设防烈度为七度。Structure types of frame structure, seismic fortification intensity for seven degrees.

加利福尼亚在都市食物食用方法的革新和保留上一直走在这个国家的前列。California has long led the country in the creation and fortification of urban food ways.

豁口或缺口,尤指位于或好象位于壕沟或要塞等坚固结构中的。A gap or rift, especially in or as if in a solid structure such as a dike or fortification.

洛伦佐将这座宏大的城市命名为帕伦克,在西班牙语中意为“防御工事”。Lorenzo gave the grand structure the name Palenque, a Spanish word meaning "fortification."

结构的安全等级为二级。抗震设防类别为丙类。The safety of the structure is in grade two and the earthquake fortification is of C-class.

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需要让公共政策和食品强化项目知道这些已经被大家接受了的概念。These well-established concepts need to inform public policy and food fortification programs.

研究氨基酸螯合物在婴幼儿配方奶粉中的应用性能。Amino acid chelates were used as mineral additives for fortification of infant milk formulation.

当战事需要时,链甲骑士们会毫不犹豫下马作战,协助防御或进攻堡垒。When need calls it, the Mailed Knights would often dismount to help defend or assault a fortification.

邱杰和他的小队去执行一项任务,要占领一个德军要塞,要塞被极富创意的命名为“622高地”。Churchill and his team were tasked with capturing a German fortification creatively called "Point 622."

望楼,碉楼建在接近城堡或城镇处的塔楼或其他防御工事,尤指建于大门或吊桥附近者。A tower or other fortification on the approach to a castle or town, especially one at a gate or drawbridge.

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它的意象静穆而坚实的特性与时间性的强化构成了总体风格的凝重。Sonnets, with its solemn and quiet images and its fortification of time, is characterized of imposing style.

本文分析的结果可以为分区或分省进行微量营养素膳食干预或食物强化提供参考。Dietary intervention or food fortification with some mircronutrients could be used for improving the situation.

最常见的强化食品就是加碘盐,另外一个比较典型的例子就是对人造黄油补给维生素A。The most common fortified food is iodised salt. Another example is the fortification of margarine with vitamin A.

东晋义熙年间,以砖筑城,建“入汉楼”,仍为军事重镇。Yoshihiro years, the Eastern Jin Dynasty to brick fortification built, "Han into the floor" at the military city.

史料记载修建长城的历史可以追溯到公元前656年,楚成王下令修建防御工事。Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.

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建造该要塞的目的是保卫各个朝代,防御匈奴人、蒙古人、突厥人以及其他游牧部族的入侵。The fortification was built to protect various dynasties from invasion by Huns, Mongols, Turks and other nomadic tribes.

华城竣工于1796年,具备了当时韩国最新的要塞特征。Its construction was completed in 1796 and it features all the latest features of Korean fortification known at the time.

这座城堡最初在十六世纪时作为西哥特人的要塞,曾被罗马人和摩尔人轮流接管。The castle began as a Visigoth fortification in the sixth century and was taken over in turns by the Romans and the Moors.