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一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。A red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.

一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。A bright red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.

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可以用亚硝酸汞来代替亚硝酸银。Instead of silver nitrite mercuric nitrite may be used.

目的探讨硫化汞在朱砂中的作用。Aim To discuss the effect of mercuric sulfide in the cinnabaris.

但是小心那些成分也可能被标为“甘汞”“氯化亚汞”或“含汞的”。But be aware the ingredient might also be listed as "mercurous chloride, " "calomel, " or "mercuric.

结果发现,氯化汞增强膜ANS复合物荧光强度。It was found that mercuric chloride enhanced the fluorescence intensity of the ANS-membrane complex.

红色硫化汞,通过将水银与硫磺加热而得到的一种明亮的深红色粉末,用作颜料。Red mercuric sulfide, a bright scarlet powder derived from heating mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment.

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血清转氨酶活性增加的程度与氯化汞浓度相关。The degree of elevation of serum trausaminase activity is related to the concentration of mercuric chloride.

老年产品市场开发得如水银泻地,几乎找不到市场空白点。Senile product market is developed so that be like ground of mercuric have diarrhoea, cannot find market gap almost.

医生用水银血压计一量,温女士的血压比上次看病的时候还要高。The doctor is measured with mercuric tonometer , when the hematic pressure ratio of Ms. Wen sees a doctor last even tall.

测定了两种金属双硫腙在聚合物介质中的基态及激发态可见光谱吸收曲线,及其在黑暗环境下的热回复曲线。The visible light absorption curve and heat recovery curve of mercuric and zinc dithizone in PMMA and PS are also measured.

优点是避开有毒的氰化物或氯化汞,且无需离子交换树脂.操作安全、简单。By this method, a poisonous cyanide or mercuric chloride could be avoided , and basic ion-exchange resin could be avoided, too.

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黑色硫化汞,是来自于汞盐或通过水银与硫磺反应而得到的一种黑色粉末,用作颜料。Black mercuric sulfide, a black powder obtained from mercury salts or by the reaction of mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment.

一定剂量的氯化汞处理引起生殖细胞DNA损伤作用可能是氯化汞细胞毒性的机制之一。Effects of mercuric chloride on DNA damage of spermatogenic cell were possible mechanism of mercuric chloride on spermatogenic cell damage.

无机汞化合物主要为汞盐,除了硫化汞朱砂是红色外,它们大部分都是白色的粉末或结晶。Inorganic mercury compounds take the form of mercury salts, which are generally in white powder or crystals, with the exception of mercuric sulfide cinnabar which is red.

用硼氢化钾作还原剂,将溶液中汞离子还原成汞的蒸气原子,用载气导入原子化器中,直接用冷原子荧光光谱法测定水样中痕量汞。Employ potassium borohydride as reducer, reduce mercuric ion in liquor to Hg vapour, the Hg vapour is carried to atomization device by Ar gas, determined by cold-atomic fluorescence.

肾动脉钳闭引起的肾脏缺血再灌注以及甘油、庆大霉素、氯化汞均可致实验动物急性肾衰竭,病理学上可见典型的急性肾小管坏死。Animal ARF can be induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, glycerine, gentamicin and mercuric chloride, and typical acute tubular necrosis can be observed in pathological changes.

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介绍了电石法聚氯乙烯生产过程中水、尾气和电石渣的循环利用及超低含量氯化汞触媒的使用情况。The reutilization of water, tail gas and carbide slag in PVC production by calcium carbide method, and service condition of super low content mercuric chloride catalyst were introduced.

本文研究用氯化亚锡和稀土氯化物复合催化剂代替氯化汞合成氯乙烯单体,旨在探索其催化活性。We have prepared several complex catalyst of stannous chloride and rare earth chloride to replace mercuric chloride and examined their catalytic activity for the synthesis of vinyl chloride.

为克服近视乐滴眼液总生物碱高氯酸非水滴定中乙酸汞对环境的污染,提出了电位滴定法。To avoid the use of mercuric acetate in the non-aqueous titrimetric method, potentiometric titrimetry was applied to the determination of total alkaloids in the eye drops named "Jinshile Diyanye".