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不要去碰开水瓶。Don't touch the thermos.

我可以借用你的暖水瓶吗?。Can I borrow your thermos?

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我可以看看那个暖水瓶吗?。May I see that thermos bottle?

很小的,像个热水瓶一样。Pimping , be like a thermos bottle.

暖瓶放在这儿好拿。It's handy to have the thermos here.

暖瓶里几乎没有水了。There's little water in the thermos.

因此热水瓶不是个开系。So the thermos is not an open system.

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暖水瓶没多少水了。There is little water in the thermos.

她站起身,从暖瓶倒了一杯水。She got up to fill a cup from a thermos.

热水瓶怎么样?可以给茶保温。How about a thermos to keep the tea warm?

我现在可以换水吗?。May I change the water of the thermos now?

在中国热水瓶很流行。Thermos bottles are very popular in China.

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实际上它是个孤立系。In fact, the thermos is an isolated system.

这些暖水瓶是用于保存热水的。The thermos were used for keeping water hot.

从保温瓶里倒出来的茶总是很难喝。Tea always tastes horrid out of Thermos flasks.

你为什麽随身都带一个保温杯?Why do you always carry a thermos mug with you?

你想让我把你的暖水瓶倒满水吗?Would you like me to fill your thermos for you?

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但也不要轻易就用咖啡取代你保温瓶里的水。But don’t replace your water thermos with coffee.

一个热水壶可以用来装多出来的流质。A thermos jug was useful for carrying off spare liquids.

如果您需要开水,请用房间里的开水瓶。For boiled water, please use the thermos bottle in your room.