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目的探讨心绞痛与心肌梗塞相关危险因素的差异。Objective To investigate the difference of risk factors between angina cordis and myocardial infarct.

结论健康教育能有效地预防和控制高血压心脑血管合并病发生,提高患者生活质量和生命质量。Conclusions Healthy education can prevent and control the complication of cordis cerebral vessels , elevate quality of life.

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“欧共体研究与发展信息服务”是一个提供欧洲科学研究与发展计划的数据库网站。This site features CORDIS , a European data base providing information about European scientific research and development programs.

介绍国内现代化的儿科心脏外科术后监护病房的建设与设计理念,平面布置,标准采用,空气卫生技术等,供参考。The construction and design concept, the layout the applied Standard and air hygiene of the paediatric cordis Surgery ICU are explained.

观察两组的肺部感染、应激性溃疡、心脏并发症和电解质紊乱发生率。The incidence of pulmonary infection, stress- related gastric injury, cordis complication , electrolyte mess were observed between the two groups.

近年来的研究证实,血管内皮在调节心脏循环功能和稳定内环境中起到重要作用。Recent research shows that the vascular endothecium has played a vital role in regulating the cordis circulation and stabilizing the milieu interne.

目的探讨正常和室间隔缺损儿童心房胶原纤维的分布及其含量。Objective To investigate the distribution pattern and content of collagen fibers of atrium cordis in children with normal and ventricular septal defect.

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室间隔缺损儿童心房胶原纤维部分区域明显改变,含量显著增加。The collagen fibers in atrium cordis were redistributed and increased in content significantly in some areas in children with ventricular septal defect.

方法采用改良的导管方法将体外已凝的大鼠血栓注入右心房制备大鼠急性肺栓塞模型。Methods An experimental pulmonary embolism model in rats was made by injecting coagulated thrombus in vitro into right atrium cordis through a conductor.

临床上常见的副作用有,胃肠道反应,肝肾功能损害、心脏损害,骨髓抑制、贫血、脱发、感染等。The common adverse reactions in clinic are hepar and renal functional lesion, cordis damage, bone marrow depressions anaemias alopecia and infecting et al.

采用横断面调查与对比研究方法,分析心绞痛和心肌梗塞病例生活相关危险因素与生化指标的差异。Methods Cross-sectional study and contrastive analysis were used to analyze the clinical data and laboratory data of angina cordis and myocardial infarct cases.

结论老年AMI并发急性脑卒中与心肌梗死部位、是否有严重心律失常、低血压、心脏附壁血栓等密切相关。Conclusion Senile AMI complicated by acute stroke is closely related with the site of myocardial infarct, severe arrhythmia, hypotension and cordis mural thrombus.

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结论室间隔缺损儿童心房胶原纤维部分区域明显改变,含量显著增加。Conclusion The collagen fibers in atrium cordis were redistributed and increased in content significantly in some areas in children with ventricular septal defect.

成功病例中术后未使用任何抗心律失常药,随访半年未见再发室性心动过速。Succeed case use any resist arrhythmia cordis medicine , follow up a case by regular visits to and meet the room nature tachycardia of recidivation half a year after the skill.

组织学观察微型猪心脏各部分结构组成及其细胞种类与人心脏相似,但是心肌闰盘较人的少,心室内膜下的蒲肯野氏纤维较人的粗大。Azygos vein directly drew into right atrium cordis. 2. The intercalated disk of cardiac muscle was less than that of human. 3. The Purkinje's fibre was bigger than that of human.