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现在,他第一次抛掉了自疚感。Then, for the first time, he overthrew his see of guilt.

1969年,卡扎菲推翻了东部的部落酋长伊德里斯。In 1969, Gadhafi overthrew the Eastern tribal King Idris.

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现在,他第一次抛掉了自疚感。Then, for the first time, he overthrew his sense of guilt.

国王认可了2006年推翻他信的那场政变。The king accepted the coup that overthrew Mr Thaksin in 2006.

粗心读者以为保罗在此推翻了利未记11章的教训。NKJV Some think that Paul overthrew all that God said in Lev. 11.

卡扎菲于1969年推翻了最后一个赛怒西部族领导,老态龙钟的伊本。易德立斯。Gadaffi overthrew the last Senoussi, the doddering Ibn Idris, in 1969.

将军推樊了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了钩和国。The general overthrew the last emperor of country and established a public.

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1911年,孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,推翻了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度。In 1911, the revolution led by Doctor Sun Yiet-Sien overthrew the old system.

主兴起了波斯王古列,赶走了巴比伦的统治者。The Lord raised up Cyrus, king of Persia, who overthrew the Babylonian ruler.

将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.

劳动人民最终推翻了官僚资本主义的压迫。The working class of our country finally overthrew the oppression of bureaucrats.

我们在2001年用了不到一万名美国士兵就推翻了塔利班政府。We overthrew the Taliban government in 2001 with less than 10, 000 American troops.

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布尔什维克们917年推翻了沙皇,他们用红旗作为其象征。The Bolsheviks used a red flag as their symbol when they overthrew the tsar in 1917.

在彼得格勒,列宁领导布尔什维克推翻了克伦斯基政府。The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, overthrew Alexander Kerensky′s government in Petrograd.

但是在1368年,一个叫作朱元璋的农民推翻了蒙古在中国的统治建立了明朝。A peasant named Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Mongols in 1368 and founded the Ming Dynasty.

最终,亚述朝臣与王子联合推翻了图库尔提·尼努尔塔一世的统治。Finally, the union of high court officials and a prince overthrew rule of Tukulti-Ninurta I.

儿子推翻父亲,但伴随儿子的将是永远忏悔和罪恶感。The son overthrew father, but he would be repenting forever and crime sense followed the son.

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他母亲及其波雅尔中的同僚,也就是当时的贵族,于1689年推翻了摄政王的统治His mother and her allies among the Boyars, that is the nobles, overthrew the regents in 1689.

他母亲及其波雅尔中的同僚,也就是当时的贵族,于1689年推翻了摄政王的统治。His mother and her allies among the Boyars, that is the nobles, overthrew the regents in 1689.

今年早些时候,突尼斯人民和埃及人民领导的民主示威活动推翻了各自的总统。Tunisians and Egyptians led democracy protests that overthrew their presidents early this year.