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我的朋友柏特怎么了?What happened to my friend Bert?

伯特·拉尔的演出服重90磅。Bert Lahr's costume weighed 90 pounds

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午饭后,伯特•勃罗尔来找我。After lunch Bert Broer came to see me.

修伯特发现各处灯都亮着。Hu bert found the lights on everywhere.

伯特在情人节那天向莉莉安求婚。Bert proposed to Lillian on Valentine's Day.

第二个是伯特是一个胖的养畜者。The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder.

对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat.

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我叫伯特。弗利克,你们的难题我有答案!I'm Bert Flick and I have the answer to all your problems!

以防忘记,我告诉大家这两个人物叫伯特和尔尼。These two guys, in case you forgot, are called Bert and Ernie.

我记得伯特.杰弗里斯的来信告诫我远离战场。And I remembered Bert Jeffries’s letter telling me to stay away.

这就要看胖的范围了,伯特胖,伯特又是个养畜者。So is the scope of fat, just that Bert was fat and Bert was a stock breeder.

本,这段讲的就是厄尼把伯特埋到沙子里去了,然后找不到他。Ben, this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him.

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荷兰队主教练伯特-范马尔维克同意,中场时分改变了一切。Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk agreed that everything changed at the break.

环球派出了娱乐法律部伯特?菲尔兹和亚伦?莫斯回应此事。Universal has tapped entertainment law veterans Bert Fields and Aaron Moss to respond.

荷兰主帅范马尔维克在周四宣布了他的与土耳其队比赛的球队大名单。Dutch coach Bert van Marwijk announced his squad for the match with Turkey on Thursday.

现在,在德国伯特海灵格的系统性方法真正获得了发展。Right now, the systemic approach of Bert Hellinger is really gaining ground in Germany.

她还是普林斯顿大学贝特·克斯特教授,主讲政治以及国际事务。Where she is also the Bert G. Kerstetter professor of Politics and International Affairs.

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感谢伯摄影师特范戴克热热情同我们分享他的一些快照。Thanks to photographer Bert van Dijk, who was kind enough to share some snapshots with us.

对于这个观点,一个来自新泽西州的退休校长,伯特安默曼表示不认同。That is not a view shared by Bert Ammerman, a retired school principal in Northvale, N. J.

伯特光三浦和利子Kadonada,捆绑和运输,Manzanar搬迁中心,卡尔。Bert K. Miura and Toshiko Kadonada, bundling and shipping, Manzanar Relocation Center, Cal.