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我当卡西的女傧相。I was bridesmaid to Cathy.

她在婚礼上担任女傧相。She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.

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她与一位伴娘各抢到一份优惠套餐。She and a bridesmaid each snagged the two-for-one deal.

是关于一个女孩子或一个女人,当了27次伴娘。It is about a girl, or a woman, who is a bridesmaid twenty-seven times.

所以当其他伴娘建议黑色时我完全赞成。So when the other bridesmaid suggested black I was completely on board.

按照传统,伴娘礼服的款式和颜色都是由新娘来选择的。Traditionally the designs and colours of bridesmaid dresses were selected by the bride.

新婚礼服中最明显的趋势是及膝的短款黑色装扮。The biggest trend in bridesmaid dresses has been knee-length Little Black Dresses dresses.

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伴娘衣服颜色呢,以粉色系和米色系为多,这种颜色不张扬却很大方。Bridesmaid dress color, with pink and beige as much, this color but not play very generous.

她的伴娘是她的双胞胎妹妹芭芭拉。Her embroidered gown is by Oscar de la Renta, and her bridesmaid is her twin sister Barbara.

正如众所周知,黑色、大红以及暗紫是婚纱不会放弃的颜色。As we know that black, bright red and dark purple are perennial color choices for bridesmaid dresses.

而如果新娘选择了一款长的新婚礼服,伴娘也必须选择一款类似设计的长裙。And if the bride selects a long tail gown, the bridesmaid has to select a similar long dresses design.

一个奇怪的视频显示,在中国的一场婚礼上,一位伴娘被一个蒙眼的宾客乱摸。A bizarre video appears to show a bridesmaid being groped by a blindfolded guest at a wedding in China.

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这个传统一直有很深的影响,伴娘往往和新娘一起去购物并试穿合身的礼服。The tradition still has a great influence and brides and bridesmaid shop together to match their dresses.

通过许多的风格和设计可以发现,每个伴娘都可以找到适合自己的风格。Through the many styles and designs that can be seen, each bridesmaid can choose a dress suited to her style.

有着“瓷娃娃”美誉的日本乒乓名将福原爱担任伴娘,而伴郎由中国乒乓球队马琳担任。Japanese table tennis player Ai Fukuhara is Wang's bridesmaid while Chinese player Ma Lin serves as a groomsman.

随着齐膝盖的礼服、带褶皱、泡芙球状的短伴娘礼服变得十分平常,这种趋势还在持续。This trend continues, with knee length gowns becoming the norm, and pleats, puff balls, and short bridesmaid dresses.

一名名叫杨林的20岁大三女生表示,自己一年里已经当了32次伴娘,可赚8300块钱。Yang Lin, a 20-year-old junior, said she had played the bridesmaid role 32 times in a year, earning a total of RMB8300.

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对于一些女人在她们20岁末到30岁初的这一段时间,当伴娘成为了必经之路。For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.

这些天,晚礼服,婚纱礼服来在不同的色调,从白色到蛋壳,伴娘礼服,象牙本色。These days, Evening Dress, wedding gowns come in different shades from white to eggshell, Bridesmaid Dress, ivory and ecru.

伴娘的加入,与各位诸君演绎的,是婚礼进行曲,还是与郎共舞?What role is the bridesmaid playing at the wedding party? Part of the wedding march or just the bridegroom's dancing partner?