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他是地方一霸。He is a local despot.

在另一方面,他是个不择不扣的暴君。On the other hand, he is a real despot.

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我认为汤姆是一个铁石心肠的人。He was a despot with a heart of granite.

她治家简直像个暴君。She rules her family like a real despot.

就是说花夫人像暴君一样治理她的族群。Flower rules her family like a real despot.

一个暴君,聪明的人既嘲弄它,又服从它。FASHION, n. A despot whomthewise ridicule and obey.

在政治上也是如此,改革者可能与暴君有着同样强烈的权欲。In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot.

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这是封建主义向中国的专制寡头最后告别时发出的半夜里猫头鹰一样的凄厉叫声。With an owl scream in the dark, feudalism paid its last tribute to China's despot.

遍及整个阿拉伯世界,都是伴随着铁拳的专制统治的模式。Throughout the Arab world, the model is one where a despot rules with an iron fist.

究竟是什么使潘在家中变成这么一个花花公子,这么一个独夫暴君呢?根源还是那些女人宠坏了他。What had made Pen at home such a dandy and such a despot? The women had spoiled him.

汉随后与巴杜尔一起搜寻希姆暴君的失落宝藏,可惜徒劳无获。Han then joined Badure on an ill-fated search for the lost treasure of Xim the Despot.

在土耳其,暴君的一个点头就可以意味着死亡,起义是天天都会发生的。In Turkey, where the sole nod of the despot is death, insurrections are the events of every day.

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如果那是一个你们想要废黜的暴君,先看看他竖立在你们心中的宝座是否已被摧毁。And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.

红旗卷起农奴戟,黑手高悬霸主鞭。为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。The red flag rouse the serf , halberd in hand , while the despot ' s black talons held his whip aloft.

中国人民揭竿而起,反对这个统治他们二十二年之久的暴君了。The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty-two years.

土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed.

这座别致的西海岸城市是世界上一些最好的厨师和餐厅的大本营。The swanky NoCal despot of West Coast chic is home to some of the best chefs and restaurants in the world.

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大多数情况下,你们每个人都表现得像个专制的君主或一个完美主义者,忘掉了什麽是可能的,什麽是不可能的。In most cases, each of you appears to be a despot or a perfectionist, forgetting what is possible and what is not.

在摩里亚的君主时,君士坦丁就已经率领拜占庭将军进行抗击土耳其人的斗争,并取得了一些胜利。As Despot of the Morea, Constantine had been one of the few Byzantine generals to meet some success against the Turks.

那么我们再看看,“至少在初始阶段,开明专制者的统治更容易促进经济发展”这样的论断又正确性几何呢?What about the argument that economic development, at least in its early stages, is best pursued under a benign despot?