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熊属半冬眠动物。Some bears hibernate.

熊常在山洞里冬眠。Bears often hibernate in caves.

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黑熊在冬季蛰居过冬。Black bears hibernate in winters.

松鼠和猬是冬眠动物。Squirrels and hedgehogs hibernate.

你在冬天冬眠吗?Do you hibernate during the winter?

松鼠和猬是冬眠动物。Squirrels sand hedgehogs hibernate.

重组公司或是冬眠?Re-organize the company or hibernate?

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树是不生叶和许多动物冬眠。Trees are leafless and many animals hibernate.

在我与你联系之前,你得潜伏不动。You should hibernate before I contact with you.

当冬季来临的时候,熊宝宝将要冬眠。When winter comes , baby bears are going to hibernate.

对于非洲大蜗牛来说,它们躲进泥土中冬眠就躲过去了。For African snail, they can hide in the soil to hibernate.

青蛙,像许多两栖动物,也冬眠当天气变冷。Frogs, like many amphibians, also hibernate when it gets cold.

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只有雌黄蜂和它的卵在一个安全的地方冬眠。Only the female wasps hibernate in a safe place with their eggs.

空气越来越冷,我只想蜷缩起来冬眠。The air is getting colder, and I just want to curl up and hibernate.

冷血动物,例如蛇和青蛙,冬季要冬眠。Cold- blooded animals, such as snakes and frogs, hibernate in winter.

许多动物在冬天或冬眠期间也会限制他们的活动。Many animals either limit their activity during the winter or hibernate.

当冬天烈风飕飕时,我们一些人会宁愿冬眠也不愿意外出工作。When the winter winds blow, some of us would rather hibernate than work out.

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这些熊将可以在洞穴里冬眠,可以挖洞,还可以捉鱼吃。The bears will be able to hibernate in caves, dig in the ground and catch fish.

我想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟。I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter.

而我现在则昵称她为“熊熊”因为感觉上她每天晚上都需要冬眠。And my current pet name for her is “Bear” because she has to hibernate every night.