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她自酿的葡萄酒是特别强劲。Her sloe wine was especially strong.

你最好慢下来,不要那么快地舞蹈。You'd better sloe down. Don't dance so fast.

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最初,人们认为李子是从一种叫“黑刺李”的植物演变而来。Plums are thought to have developed originally from the sloe.

这是一个黑刺李浆果植物和真菌外囊菌螨是众所周知的。This is a sloe berry plant and the fungus is known as Taphrina pruni.

她一席黑发,黑亮的眼睛,勾人摄魄的笑容,银铃般的笑声。She has a mane of black hair, sloe eyes, a fetching smile and a cute giggle.

混合所有原料摇合波士草莓力娇酒,野莓金力娇酒,柠檬汁,薄荷叶作为装饰。Mixed and shake Bols Strawberry, Sloe Gin & Lemon juice. As a garnish, mint leaf is put on the rim of glass.

按照原始的蒸馏方法以上等谷物和纯自然的李子做为原料。此款酒是少有的红色混和伏特加,口味微甜,滋味美妙!Ursus Roter is the only red vodka drink with an unique blend of pure Ursus Vodka and the subtle sweetness of sloe berries.

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至于尸体附近发现的黑刺李果实,要是奥兹果真随身带了晒得像乾洋李的乾黑刺李,他一定是在上路前就把黑刺李果实晒乾了。As for the sloe found near his body, if ötzi had been carrying sloes dried like prunes, the drying could have taken place some time before his journey.

她那蜜金色的头发闻起来是如此的芬芳,盯在他身上的黑眼睛此刻看起来非常漂亮,迷人,和那些外星女人的眼睛一样充满神秘感。Her honey-blond hair smelled wonderful, and the strange, slightly sloe eyes that were fixed on him were exotically beautiful, as mysterious as any XT's.

最先入手的是解析地层形态,据Kim说早期的模型有“和运河里的黑刺李一起下沉的分层石基。”Taking the abstraction of geological strata as a starting point, early models had, describes Kim, “a layered or stratified stone ground plane that stepped down with the sloe of the canal.”

研究结果显示使用光筛软体进行粒迳分析具有高度可行性,本研究对后续使用光筛软体分析河床质粒迳分布亦提供具体之建议。The results clearly indicate the feasibility of the photo-sieving software foe the grain sloe analysis. Some practical suggestions ace also proposed for future applications of the software.