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取自洋槐等树木的硬木。Fir or pine wood.

看那些杉树!look at the fir trees!

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这话让枞树很高兴。This made the Fir tree happy.

冷杉的枝条平衡着雪。Fir branches balance the snow.

一般是一棵松树或者冷杉。It is usually a pine or a fir.

松树和枞树都是结球果的植物。The pine and fir are coniferous trees.

这条路上铺满了冷杉针叶。The road was covered with fir needles.

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埋伏在乱石堆里杉木看见黄鸣锋等人。Ambush fir in ci to see huang feng, etc.

邓家齐努力想和贺飞儿离婚。Deng Garcia, and HE FIR trying to divorce.

神谷关夫批准了杉木的行动方案。God GuGuanFu approved the action plan of fir.

他必须对他的不礼貌向我道歉。He must apologize to me fir his impoliteness.

好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我得特写镜头了。All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready fir my close-up.

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黄鸣锋和兰如剑则发现了杉木等人休息过的地方。Huang feng and LAN as sword is found fir rest too.

纸皮桦和花旗松到底是怎么交流的呢?How were paper birch and Douglas fir communicating?

高大的冷杉的树针一根根从树上掉下来。The huge fir trees dropping their needles one by one.

松、冷杉、云杉一类的树木是软木材。The softwoods are such trees as pine, fir and spruce.

但杉木并无半句怨言,虚心接受批评。But no half other complaints, fir to accept criticism.

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杉木和樟木是造龙舟的上好木料。Fir and dragon boat made of camphor wood is good wood.

神谷关夫问坂垣正雄,杉木为何会一败再败?Ask GuGuanFu BanYuan god is male, fir a failure again why?

我们已经对男孩以绑架罪进行立案。We have registered an FIR under abduction against the boy.