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那样做是冒险和不平衡的。That would be risky and unbalanced.

他们加税使预算不平衡。They raised taxes and unbalanced the budget.

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这就是不平衡的生命力所引发的恶果。This is the effect of unbalanced prana shakti.

德国病态地兴奋,并失去平衡。Germany was morbidly overexcited and unbalanced.

你看出谈判过程中的不平衡了么?Do you see how unbalanced the negotiation process was?

游戏的不公平性降低了其反复可玩性。The unbalanced nature of the game reduces its replayability.

第二章分析淑·布莱德赫的失衡人格。Chapter Two analyzes Sue Bridebread's unbalanced personality.

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困扰之处在于虚无和基本信任的严重缺乏。Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting.

全省各地涉水产品的企业发展不均衡。The development of PRDW industries in Anhui province was unbalanced.

国家的这种控购行为可以调节市场不平衡的状态。The country can adjust the unbalanced market by controlling purchases.

女发言人拒绝接受此条款,称这是不平衡,不准确的。A spokeswoman repudiated the article, calling it unbalanced and inaccurate.

不锈钢锉对弯曲根管的各部位切割很不均衡。The cutting of the stainless steel files on curved root canals was unbalanced.

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提交文本的那次会议未经通报而且该文本有失平衡。The meeting at which it was presented was unannounced and the paper unbalanced.

你的渴望中最轻微的不服衡,都会贬抑它,之后令其失效。The slightest unbalanced note in your desire lessens it and then can negate it.

最让人担忧的则是一个不平衡的世界可能再也没有机会了。The biggest worry of all is that an unbalanced world may not get another chance.

由流场作用在转子上不平衡的气动力是产生自激振动的主要原因。The main reason for self-excited oscillation is the unbalanced aerodynamic force.

不平衡电桥在热敏电阻测温电路中应用十分广泛。The thermistor unbalanced bridge is widely used in temperature measuring circuits.

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这个不对称使尾迹处于不平衡的状态,并偏离共转方向。This asymmetry makes the wake unbalanced and deviate from the corotation direction.

依我看,现在的硬科学和软科学的发展一点儿也不平衡。In my opinion, the development of hard science and soft science is unbalanced at all.

张毓强试图通过技术创新打破这种格局。Mr. Zhang attempts to change this unbalanced pattern through technological innovations.