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那是假的。That is false.

都是成见。False stereotypes.

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所以,假还是要休的!So, false or Hugh!

天然的克利须那神像。A false god or idol.

这是完全错误的。This is simply false.

第三,造假从而以假充真。Third, false and true.

VHOST是正确的还是错误的?Is VHOST true or false?

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这只一场虚惊。It's just a false alarm.

他们做假报告。They make false reports.

这是假名牌。This is a false branded.

是否有虚假的重叠?Are there false overlaps?

我把它初始化为假值。I initialize it to false.

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那肯定是错的。That would just be false.

谨防“虚假之友”。Beware of "false friends."

我恨这种虚伪的朋友。I hate such false friends.

无须管任何虚假的恐惧。And no false fear controul.

但是,这是一个错误的理论。But this is a false theory.

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我认为那是绺假胡子。I think it was a false one.

我该作假证吗?Shall I bear false witness?

这是一种错误的刻板印象。This is a false stereotype.