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是很难被归类到编程问题里面的。Like algorithmic complexity.

面向数值的算法语言?。VAL? Value – Oriented Algorithmic Language?

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提供一种识别故障的算法机制。Provides an algorithmic mechanism for identifying the fault.

算法设计与编写代码之间有什么区别?What is the distinction between algorithmic design and coding?

因此很多算法方法都面向费用评估。Therefore, many algorithmic methods are geared for cost estimation.

最后,提出了基于六面体单元的改进方法。Hexahedron-based approaches for algorithmic improvement are presented.

算法作曲的出现将会如何改变音乐的面貌呢?How might algorithmic composition technology change the face of music?

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尽管在某种意义上,软件也不会提出任何质疑,至少在排产的算法上不会有什么问题。In a sense, though, software does ask questions, at least in the algorithmic sense.

算法内容管理是另外一种镜头,诸如新闻这样的信息可以被过滤。Algorithmic curation is another lens through which information like the news is filtered.

本文介绍了地学空间数据迭代聚类的算法原理。This paper presents algorithmic principles for approaching clustering of geo-spatial data.

他们还汇集了上百种海贝和蝴蝶的生长算法法则。They have also compiled algorithmic laws of growth for hundreds of seashells and butterflies.

而百度给我们的解释只有一句算法改变,再无音讯。And Baidu has an algorithmic change only to our explanation, do not have phonic message again.

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首先,化点时间通盘考虑一下你的算法需求,人民的资源和时间范围。First, take the time to think through your algorithmic needs, people resources and time horizons.

特别是,算法效率和大0符号能帮助你真正的理解你的想法。In particular, it really helps to understand the ideas in algorithmic efficiency and Big-O notation.

这被称为"显示性偏好",这在"默契网"的运算规则过程中是必需的要素。"This is called "revealed preference, " and it is the essential element in Match’s algorithmic process.

变音位匹配是根据查询词的语音发音生成关键字的算法方法。Metaphone matching is an algorithmic method for generating keys based on the phonetic pronunciation of words.

算法语言是一种组合用的电脑语言,主要在科学方面使用。Algol Short for Algorithmic language. A compiler language used mainly for scientific applications in computer.

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基于经验和面向学习的技术可以作为配置算法方法的一个有效的工具。Expertise-based and learning-oriented techniques can act as a useful tool for configuring algorithmic methods.

近几个月来,他设计出了一个在人脸识别领域产生重大影响的算法。In recent months, he has devised an algorithmic approach to face recognition that has produced prodigious results.

很多基于算法的方法在这方面具有优势,因为它们迫使用户从一个完整的过程来考虑。Most algorithmic methods excel in this respect as they force a user through a complete process of configuring them.