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喀麦隆的教育体制对男生和女生没有任何歧视。The Cameroonian educational system makes no distinction between girls and boys.

虽然英语人口属相对弱势,喀国的英文部落格圈仍相当活跃。Although English speakers are the minority, the Cameroonian English blogosphere is very active.

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同时将要离开的喀麦隆射手确认了莫拉蒂想要留下斯内德的决心。And the departure of the Cameroonian has strengthened Moratti's resolve to keep hold of Sneijder.

同时将要离开的喀麦隆射手确认了莫拉蒂想要留下斯内德的决心。And the departure of the Cameroonian has strengthened Moratti’s resolve to keep hold of Sneijder.

上星期六在尼日利亚海域被海盗绑架的喀麦隆客轮船长,已经获得释放。Cameroonian ship captain who was kidnapped by pirates Saturday in Nigerian waters has been freed.

国家安全总代表强调说这是对喀麦隆法律的触犯。The Delegate-General for National Security emphasized that it was a violation of Cameroonian law.

例如,在此次世界杯上,喀麦隆或者科特迪瓦的23名球员中只有一人在国内踢球。For example, in this World Cup, out of 23 footballers on either Cameroonian or Ivorian roster, one plays at home.

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这艘喀麦隆籍客轮,上星期五搭载了一百五十名乘客,由喀麦隆出发,向西驶往尼日利亚东部的奥伦。The Cameroonian ship Monica and its 150 passengers left Cameroon late Friday, heading west toward Oron in eastern Nigeria.

上半场科斯塔库塔因为自己在对艾托奥的时候的玩火行为得到黄牌。The first half ended with Costacurta receiving a yellow card for a foul on Eto'o when left one-on-one with the Cameroonian.

中国政府在力所能及的范围内向喀方提供了一些经济援助,为促进喀麦隆社会经济发展尽了自己的一份力量。He noted that China has provided some economic aid to Cameroon within its ability to promote Cameroonian social and economic development.

2011年7月20日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂同喀麦隆总统保罗·比亚举行会谈。On the afternoon of July 20, 2011, President Hu Jintao held talks with his Cameroonian counterpart Paul Biya at the Great Hall of the People.

格雷米对莫里尼奥选择他作为对战阿斯顿维拉和沃特福德比赛的主力表示感谢在两场比赛中助攻三球。The Cameroonian has rewarded José Mourinho's decision to select him for the wins over Aston Villa and Watford with three assists over the two games.

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此外,这笔资金还将弥补喀麦隆铁路网的修复缺口、乍得希望建立的进口模式、以及中非共和国的木材出口。Finally, funds will address gaps in the rehabilitation of the Cameroonian rail network, the preferred mode for Chad imports and CAR’s timber exports.

现在,法国鲁昂大学的研究人员称,他们发现一名62岁的喀麦隆妇女感染了此前未知的病毒毒株。Now the researchers based at the University of Rouen in France say they've discovered a 62-year-old Cameroonian woman who is contracted a previously-unknown strain.

BBC接到报道称,由于军事进攻,博尔诺州的平民正在逃离这个偏远地区,他们来到与喀麦隆接壤的城镇。The BBC has also received reports of civilians fleeing remote towns of Borno state as a result of the military offensive. They've been arriving in towns on the Cameroonian border.

蔡武特使此行旨在表达中国人民对喀麦隆人民的友好之情,转达中方对喀麦隆独立50周年的祝贺。The visit is aimed at expressing Chinese people's friendliness towards Cameroonian people and conveying China's congratulations on the 50th anniversary of Cameroon's independence.

也许喀麦隆人的贡献更加让人期待,切尔西本赛季最让人感兴趣的新闻之一,除了边锋群的困境,就是非洲军团的崛起了。Perhaps the contribution from the Cameroonian should have been expected. One of the intriguing subplots in Chelsea's season, besides the plight of the wingers, is African excellence.

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2011年3月26日,国家主席胡锦涛与喀麦隆共和国总统比亚互致贺电,热烈庆祝两国建交40周年。On March 26, 2011, Chinese President Hu Jintao exchanged congratulatory messages with his Cameroonian counterpart Paul Biya to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.