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但总的看下来,美联储内部的鸽派声音似乎更强。But, on balance, the dovish rhetoric seems stronger.

相反地,鸽派工党支持冻结令。The dovish Labor Party, on the other hand, supports the freeze.

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对网龙来说,这才是“稳健”增长的来源。To net dragon, this ability is " dovish " the origin of growth.

在最近与西方的对峙中,克里姆林宫要变鸽派了?Is the Kremlin turning dovish in its most recent confrontation with the West?

从门厅开始,就身临一处开阔稳健的空间。Begin from hallway, face one place to widen dovish airspace with respect to the body.

但稳健的个性让马化腾选择了品牌转换的稳健之路。But the dovish way that dovish individual character allowed Ma Huateng to choose a brand to change.

但在其他人看来,伯南克的证词似乎比美联储其他官员的讲话更为温和。But others interpret Mr Bernanke's testimony as slightly more dovish than other speeches by Fed officials.

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有些分析师认为,此事表明强硬派在退却,欧洲央行变得更加温和.Some economists said it was a sign that the hardliners were in retreat and the ECB was becoming more dovish.

Dolan认为,美联储的报告措辞"总体温和,不可能刺激风险资产再度上扬".Dolan believes the Fed report was on the whole "dovish and unlikely to stimulate a fresh rally in risk assets."

我们看到日元的大幅回调,中央银行下周应该会采取一个温和的政策。We see a sharp correction in the yen and the BOJ might maintain its dovish policy stance at a meeting next week.

温和的通货膨胀报告开启了英国央行采取量化宽松政策的大门,英镑兑美元走弱,下跌至1.5100。The Sterling was weaker as the dovish inflation report opened the door for further BoE QE trading down to 1.5100 against the Usd.

军事领袖、主要盟友和怀有机会主义的敌人都热切关注,想知道这个反伊拉克战争的总统打算施行什么样的鸽派方案。Military leaders, key allies and opportunistic enemies were all keen to know just how dovish the anti-Iraq-war President intended to be.

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表面上看,会议记录可能比你原先预想得更温和一些,鉴于近期公布的经济数据表现.On the surface maybe the minutes are a little bit more dovish than you would have anticipated, given the economic data we have been getting.

不过在沙发的选择上并没有要高背华丽的欧洲款,而是选了宽广稳健的现代款沙发。Go up in the choice of sofa nevertheless and should not bear luxuriant European money high, chose broad and dovish contemporary money sofa however.

那些态度更温和或更宽松的人支持对话,而强硬派的内容都不约而​​同地赞同用武力和暴力解决问题。Those with a more dovish or liberal attitude have supported dialogue while hardliners are invariably content to solve issues with force and violence.

通过对营救成本的货币化把通胀前景这个恶魔从瓶中释放出来,即便是相对温和的伯南克氏联储也未必消受得起。Even a relatively dovish Bernanke Fed cannot afford to let the inflation-expectations genie out of the bottle via a monetization of the fiscal bailout costs.

美联邦通常采取更稳健的措施,我们过一段时间就会知道这样做否是明智的决策。The Fed takes a far more dovish approach, and we'll see whether or not that's a wise choice down the road, " said Paul Ballew, chief economist at Nationwide."

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由于欧美的经济复苏貌似脆弱,而金融市场又处于“自由落体运动”中,因此中国国务院8月9日发表的声明在语气上显得比较温和。With the recovery in the U.S. and Europe looking fragile and financial markets in freefall, a statement from the State Council on August 9 struck a dovish tone.

要使期货市场保持稳健的可持续发展并能够跟上和配合整体经济发展的需要,我国期货法律规制体系必须走一条渐进式的法律规制创新之路。The futures market must have a gradually innovating road on the legal system for its long-term and dovish sustainable development, meeting the macroeconomic demands.

它减少了中国政策决策者的中庸思想,并引导他们看清中国的通胀风险对新兴市场的风险。It reduces the danger of Chinese policymakers being too dovish and shows them addressing the mounting inflation risk which is a massive tail risk for emerging markets.