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因为你更加苗条。Because you’re slimmer.

你这阵子看起来苗条多了。You look much slimmer these days!

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严格节食会使你身材苗条。A rigid diet will make you slimmer.

穿衣利用视觉差让自己看起来更苗条。Use optical illusion tricks to look slimmer.

在众多的精英学校中,这种机会更是微乎其微。At many elite schools, the chances are even slimmer.

一般来说,素食者比肉食者更有“型”。On average, vegetarians are slimmer than meat eaters.

穿着“非凡鞋”走路并不会带给你两条美腿。Walking in Fitflops will not result in slimmer thighs.

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我170磅,穿上这件新的小一号的衣服看起来会棒极了!I weigh 170 pounds and look GREAT in my new slimmer clothes!

而且它们蜕变的存活率也更低。And they had slimmer chances of surviving metamorphosis, too.

有时候我晨跑,我想让自己更加苗条点。Sometimes I jog in early morning, I love myself to be slimmer.

是的,她长的像范冰冰,但是比她要高一些,瘦一些。Yeah, she looks like Fan Bingbing, taller and slimmer than her.

我们坐地笔直了一些,努力看上去更苗条、年轻。We sat a little straighter and tried to look slimmer and younger.

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早期研究表明,月亮盈亏与狮子的胖瘦负相关。And previous studies have found that the fatter the moon, the slimmer the lion.

与身材较瘦的人相比,肥胖的人晚餐明显会摄入更多热量。Obese people consume significantly more calories at dinner than slimmer people.

“低价领袖”依然保持自己的名头,但其利润已经微乎其微了。The “low-price leader” still holds its title, but by a noticeably slimmer margin.

诸如“我想发财”、“我希望再瘦一些”之类的强烈愿望并不能称为目标。Strong desires suchlike "making a pile" or" getting slimmer" can not be called goals.

尽管环保署将温室气体排放量预测值调增一倍,天然气依然具有相对较小些的优势。Now that the EPA has doubled its emissions estimates, the advantages are slimmer sill.

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V领衫可以将人们的注意力从婴儿肥的脸上移开,使肩部看上去更宽、腰部看上去更细。They draw eyes away from fuller faces and make shoulders seem wider and waists slimmer.

她继续说,但是在未来,商用的视控技术笔记本可能变得更加薄。But future, commercial versions can be slimmer and are perhaps two years away, she said.

在曼联这边他那个瘦削了些的新形象无处不在,穿插在敌人腹地。His new, slimmer silhouette seemed to be everywhere, at the heart of everything his side did.