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我们对你们有一种特殊的亲近感。We feel a special kinship with you.

这在显示出了一定程度上的惺惺相惜。That shows a certain level of kinship.

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亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。Kinship term is a kind of language phenomenon.

如此便形成了一种亲缘关系,也是种遗传性质。It’s their kinship. It’s their genetic quality.

虽然只是一面之缘,但他们一见如故。Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.

亲情使是我们彼此疗疾慰苦的良医。Kinship is healing , we are physicians to each other.

亲属制度是一项重要的法律制度。The kinship system of our country has a long history.

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在北方方言区里,“大”或“大大”曾经是一个普遍的亲属称谓。"Da" is a pervasive kinship term in the northern dialect.

这些分散的移民无法建立任何亲缘关系,也没有什么共同点能把他们结合在一起。The random settlers were incapable of any kinship or connect.

他们两人虽没有血缘关系,但却亲如胶漆。There is no kinship between them, but they two are very close.

但是,在这种亲切感下存在着这样的危险。But there is a danger in claiming such kinship too insistently.

白马语是濒危语言,研究白马语亲属称谓词汇有重大意义。There is great significance of studying the Baima kinship terms.

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主人公们因为梦想信仰聚在了一起,他们亲如一家人。Because dreams faith heroes gathered together , they kinship people.

个人与个人祖先之间的亲密关系。The kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors.

本章介绍了江宁方言一些代词、亲属称谓词语、小动物名称的地理差异。It discusses some pronouns, kinship addressing terms, and small animal's name.

最后,探讨汉韩亲属称谓语泛化的问题。Lastly, discuss the generalization problem of Chinese and koren kinship terms.

第四章为华容方言亲属称谓系统的使用特点及原因探讨。The forth chapter is about the characteristics and causes of Hua Rong kinship.

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世界各民族语言的亲属称谓有许多共性,也存在着诸多差异。There exist many similarities as well as differences in terms of kinship terms.

修建南投九族文化村花了多少钱啊?。Build Nan Tou nine degrees of kinship culture the village has spent number money?

其实直到工作之后我才感到和周围的人有点亲切感。It wasn’t until I started working actually that I felt a kinship with other people.