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我十分喜好花女。I have a fetish for flowers.

我们已经形成了一种对狂热行为的迷恋。We have made a fetish of fevered action.

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女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。Women's underclothes are a common fetish.

用木头或石头刻成的偶像或物神,崇拜物。An idol or a fetish carved in wood or stone.

从服装到恋物癖发挥,我将尽一切。From costumes to fetish play, I will do it all.

它可能缘起于动物皮毛拜物迷恋。May stem from a fetish for animal fur and skins.

这种性嗜好属于食物娱乐的一部分。This sexual fetish is a subdivision of food play.

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之后德国的恋物癖电影迅速扬名世界。Germans became quickly known for their fetish movies.

或者,还有可能是苏格兰男人非常喜欢有臭味的女人。Either that, or Scottish men have a fetish for smelly women.

护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件。An object used as a fetish , a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.

申卡尔认为人们对创新的崇拜情结可以追述到18世纪晚期。Shenkar traces our innovation fetish back to the late 18th century.

中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration.

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单词fetish是在1613年从法语和葡萄牙语进入英语的。The word fetish got into English in 1613 from French and Portuguese.

他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife.

人们可能会认为你有一个可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖。People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish.

我遇到过很多这样的亚裔女性,但我没听过有人说她们有什么恋物癖和狂热病。I've met plenty, but I don't hear them described as having a fetish or a fever.

当然政府自身不打算做艰苦朴素的榜样。Certainly, the government itself is not about to start making a fetish of frugality.

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所谓快速阅读,或称“速读”,几乎已成为人们热衷于追求的技能。Rapid reading, or "speed reading", as some people call it, has become almost a fetish.

龟是中国古代“四灵”之一,且是“四灵”中唯一的实有之物。Tortoise is one of four fetish of ancient, and tortoise is only real thing in four fetish.

伦纳德——新邓肯,波波肯定迷恋安静但统治力十足这一类型的球员。Kawhi the new tim duncan. Pop must have a fetish for these quiet but dominate type players.