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像弹簧刀一样凶架,没人是他的对手。Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.

好像在我的袜子里藏着弹簧刀似的。没有,我把刀留在家里了。Like the switchblade I keep in my sock? No, I left it at home.

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面试时,这种人忍不住要说前雇主的“坏话”。In an interview setting, the switchblade can't help but "trash talk" his former employer.

当这种“转向翼飞机”恢复亚音速飞行时,机翼就转回垂于直机身的角度。When the Switchblade returns to subsonic speeds, the wing will rotate back to perpendicular.

出语的目的是两个人的座位并排,并提供“为高尔夫俱乐部的空间。”The Switchblade is designed to seat two people side by side and also to offer "room for golf clubs."

当然,禁运品包括违法麻药,危险毒品。淫秽出版物和弹簧折刀。Generally, prohibited items include illegal narcotics and dangerous drugs, obscene publications and switchblade knives.

不要出语伤人。一般来说,出语伤人者被看作一位背后捅刀子的人,通常会领别人工作的功劳。Don't be a switchblade. Normally the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, often taking credit for someone else's work.

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他拿起桌子上的弹簧刀在约翰亨利的头皮上切了一个半圆,就像以前他对卡梅隆做的那样。He picked up the switchblade and proceeded to cut into John Henry's head. He cut a semi-circle, like he had done with Cameron twice before.

利用这一常见的载体将有效的药物运送至耐药细胞中,这有点像让你的祖母装一车开关闸刀通过海关。Using such a common transporter to ferry a potent medication inside a resistant cell is a bit like recruiting your grandmother to cart a load of switchblade knives through customs.

一般来说,出语伤人者被看作一位背后捅刀子的人,通常会领别人工作的功劳。Normally the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, often taking credit for someone else's work. In an interview setting, the switchblade can't help but "trash talk" his former employer.

当他看到了芯片接口,他撬开了接口盖,然后放下弹簧刀,拿起桌上的钳子夹住芯片往逆时针方向旋转,直到听到“咔”的一声。Once he could see the port, he used the switchblade to flip the cap off, then placed it back on the table and picked the pliers up. He twisted the the chip counterclockwise until it clicked.