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杰力特是一个爱情杀手。Janet is a knockout.

珍妮向男朋友眨眨眼。Janet winked at her boy friend.

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丹同意回头去珍妮特被撞的地方。Dan agrees to go back for Janet.

詹尼特是个三年级的学生。Janet is a student of Grade Three.

除了珍娜以外,没有人缺席。No one is absent except for Janet.

珍妮特很快就被太阳晒黑了。Janet got tannedquickly in the sun.

那个家伙在向珍妮特暗送秋波。That guy is making passes at Janet.

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珍妮特上星期一直咳得很厉害。Janet had a bad cough all last week.

他们的名字是朱丽、珍妮特,和鲍伯。Their names are Julie, Janet and Bob.

克莉丝阅读的速度比珍妮快。Chrissy reads more quickly than Janet.

珍妮特望着他,询问他的身份。Janet looks at him and asks who he is.

克莉丝是个比珍妮快的读者。Chrissy is a quicker reader than Janet.

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正在上楼的准是珍妮特。It should be Janet coming upstairs now.

珍丽对她的父母有些情绪。Janet has some issues with her parents.

但是你必须帮你妈妈,珍妮。But you have to help your mother, Janet.

珍丽对她的父母有些情绪。Janet thas some issues with her parents.

工作到了中午,珍娜敲敲我的门,说。Then Janet knocked on my door and sa id.

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马克、珍妮特和宝宝们,谨呈最诚挚的热爱。Best wihers since Mark, Janet or the kids.

马克、珍妮特孩子们,谨呈最诚挚祝福。Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids.

珍妮特和西蒙看玻璃缸鲨鱼。Janet and Simon are at the Shark Aquarium.