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双桅帆也是航行用船的一种常见结构。A ketch is a common rig for cruising sailboats.

加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?请加蕃茄酱。With ketch bp or mayonnaise?With ketchup, please.

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不如单桅帆船快或者贴近风向Ketch rigs generally do not sail as fast or as close to the wind as a sloop

在那里我既不能捉苍蝇,也不能嚼口香糖,星期日整天不能赤脚。I can't ketch a fly in there, I can't chaw . I got to wear shoes all Sunday.

帆船运动中船按其帆和桅杆不同而分类,如单桅多帆船,双桅或三桅纵帆船,双桅船,及大双桅船。The sailing boats are grouped according to their sails and masts, such as sloop, schooner yawl, and ketch.

总而言之,一艘双桅帆的总体帆面面积和一艘同样尺寸的单桅帆差不多。In all, a ketch carries about the same total square footage of sail area as a sloop of the equivalent size.

“大约三个星期的交情,”我回答说。一边对着双桅小帆船呶呶嘴。“他帮我把船从巴拿马开过来。”"About three weeks worth, " I replied. I nodded toward the ketch. " He helped me sail her up from Panama. "

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尽管双桅帆给水手们提供了这些优势,它们也因为这额外的桅杆和船帆而造价更加昂贵。While a ketch offers these advantages to cruisers, they may also be more expensive because of the added mast and sail.

除了这个技术上的区别之外,高低桅帆和双桅帆别无二样,它们的优点和缺点也基本一致。Aside from this technical difference, the yawl and ketch rigs are similar and have similar advantages and disadvantages.

双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore- and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

双桅帆船一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅。A two-masted fore-and-aft -rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder.

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这意味着双桅帆上的主帆和前帆通常要比单桅帆船上的小一些,而尾桅帆的面积则恰好弥补了这一差距。This means that the mainsail and head sail of a ketch are generally smaller than on a sloop, but the mizzen sail roughly makes up the difference.

双桅帆的主要优势在于每一面帆都比同尺寸的单桅帆船上的相应帆尺寸要小一些,使得航行操纵也容易一些。The primary advantages of a ketch are that each of the sails is usually somewhat smaller than on a sloop of equivalent size, making sail handling easier.

例如,当风速在某个强度上时,单桅帆可能必须将主帆四叠起来以减少帆面积,而双桅帆则可以只用前帆和后帆来顺利航行。For example, with the wind at an intensity that a sloop might have to double-reef the main to reduce sail area, a ketch may sail very well under just jib and mizzen.

她还了相关知识,从如何缝合伤口,到如何应付睡眠不足的状况,再到如何扑灭高11.5米的双桅杆帆船上的火情,可谓应有尽有。She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch.

结束了他们家的农场生意后,他们夫妇开始艰辛的努力,克雷格首先独自一人离家到加勒比海为一条双桅帆船的船体重铺舱板。Selling off their businesses as well as the family's farm, the couple started their endeavor with Craig leaving first to begin replanking the hull of a ketch in the Caribbean.