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房间的椽条上缠着薄纱和毛茸茸的纱线。Bits of tulle and fuzzy yarn hang mistily from the rafters.

一条细纱遮阳窗帘,把这间小室的光线,掩得有如黄昏。A blind of embroidered tulle kept the little room in twilight.

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天鹅绒丝带及皱皱的薄纱用双针车在一起。Velvet ribbon applicated with double stitching with gather tulle.

然后那根柱子就在那个,冰激凌摊旁边,剧院前面And that pole was right next to this ice-cream stand in front of the theater in Tulle.

一条黑色薄纱长裙搭配一条宽锻带,可以系在脖子上、也可以当腰带。A black tulle dress comes with a wide grosgrain band that acts as a neck accent or belt.

璀璨薄型面料及其制品,尽在金利雅纺织!High quality tulle fabrics and its deep processed products are all in the Jinliya Textile!

我爱太阳光线照射着瓶子和薄纱的样子,看起来浪漫的感觉更强烈了。Love how the sun caught the light in the bottle and tulle making it all the more romantic.

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顶部饰有绒球的拖鞋会满足那些未来芭蕾舞团首席女演员愿望。Slippers crowned with tulle pom-poms will satisfy the longings of future prima-ballerinas.

薄纱是搭着这或者打褶的,在舞池里旋转时,保证不会拉的太紧。Tulle is draped or pleated to ensure plenty of volume when twirling across the dance floor.

它的特色是意大利薄纱覆盖,具有错综复杂的褶饰紧身晚礼服长。It featured an Italian tulle overlay, evening long gowns, with an intricately ruched bodice.

有些客户还要求在上面插一束花、系上薄纱、或者制作羽毛帽。Customers also want fascinators with a small spray of flowers, tulle or with a hat," she said.

有些客户还要求在上面插一束花、系上薄纱、或者制作羽毛帽。Customers also want fascinators with a small spray of flowers, tulle or with a hat, " she said."

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天空上也是无比的蔚蓝色,只有几片薄纱轻云,天海相连。Sky blue is also unparalleled, and only a few slices of tulle Qingyun, days connected to the sea.

我在手工艺品市肆买了墨西哥彩带和美国薄纱,非常钟就做好了。I buy Mexican ribbon and American tulle at the craft superstore and have it ready to go in 10 minutes.

服装喜用各种色彩和图案的丝绸、花缎、罗纱或棉麻衣料制成。Clothing like to use a variety of colors and patterns of silk, satin, tulle or fabrics made of cotton and linen.

即使是泡沫薄纱火车拖在地上,挂在年底超过奠定了一条腿露出裙子的半透明网状。Even a frothy tulle train dragging on the ground hung at the end of translucent mesh laid over a leg-baring skirt.

目前,它已经不再做新娘的鞋仍然隐藏在传统的跳裙,薄纱和列车米。Currently it's no longer do a bride's shoes remain hidden under traditional hopped skirts, tulle and meters of train.

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用纱布的好处在于它很便宜,不用担心家里到处会摆放着腻乎乎、满是细菌的洗碗沙布。The nice thing is that tulle is inexpensive, and you don't have to worry about having a germy scrubbie laying around.

这件红色丝质刺绣的薄纱花边裙看起来浪漫又复古。The embroidered red silk organza illusion cap sleeve gown with tulle ruffle skirt is both romantic and dramatic in equal parts.

丝绸薄纱表带成扇形散开于新娘的肩膀之上,低腰式倒褶裥形成一个舞会礼服式的轮廓。Silk tulle straps fanned out over the bride’s shoulders while inverted pleats on a dropped waist created a ball-gown silhouette.