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弗洛拉,谢谢!Thanks, Flora.

哇,弗洛拉,谢谢你。Well, thank you, Flora.

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由郑艳凤博士创办。Founded by Dr. Flora Cheng.

弗洛拉,你现在感觉怎么样?How are you feeling, Flora?

福罗拉听到有人大声喊叫。Flora heard somebody shouting.

尝得出那花神和乡村的绿意Tasting of Flora and the country green

弗洛拉曼胡德把发麻的双臂交换了一下位置。Flora manhood had to shift her dead arm.

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弗劳拉雕出了一尊美丽的猫形雕像。Flora carved a beautiful statue of a cat.

你去过台北国际花博吗?。Have you visited the Taipei Flora Expo yet?

苗儿山植物区系的初步研究。A preliminary study on the Miaoershan flora.

两个蒙面人突然从树后边冒了出来。Two masked men sprang out flora behind a tree.

标题东亚木本植物区系的特有性。Endemism in the ligneous flora of eastern Asia.

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抗菌素引起菌丛的选择性变化。Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.

弗洛拉·曼胡德从未介入过任何秘密勾当。Flora Manhood had never taken part in a mystery.

南宁市高校校园内较多地使用乡土树种,长势良好。There are many well-grown native flora on campus.

这个地区的植物种类比我想像的要丰富。The flora of this region is richer than I thought.

澎湖群岛之植物群落与植物区系。The vegetation and flora of the Pescadore Islands.

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峨眉山植物区系的初步研究。A phytogeographical study on the flora of Mount Omei.

我的中文名是李想,我的英文名字是弗拉萝。My Chinese name is Li Xiang, my English name's Flora.

农村拥有丰富的植物群和动物群。The countryside is home to plenty of flora and fauna.