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我们是要去那间小屋吗?Are we going to that shack?

等他进了自己的棚屋时,他一头倒在床上就睡。In his shack he fell on his bed and went to sleep.

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命中目标!我们摧毁跑道了。Yuke Bomber Shack on target! We took out the runway.

爱丽斯跑到小木屋后面把包藏起来。Alice dashed to the back of the shack to stashthe bag.

N和他的长曲棍球的好友在小板屋里觳觫。N at the Shake Shack with some of his lacrosse friends.

我们干嘛要浪费时间到那破屋子去?。Why are we wasting our time going to some shack anyway?

桅杆跟这窝棚内的单间房子差未几普通长。The mast was nearly as long as the one room of the shack.

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骑了大约一英里之后,他在一间小木棚外面停了下来。After about a mile, he stopped outside a small wooden shack.

他年少时放过羊,在一所铁皮屋顶的简陋学校读书。He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack.

设立棚户的补偿可在一到两年内获得。The cost of erecting a shack is recouped within a year or two.

所以一些游击队员来了,在小棚屋外面的石凳下设置了炸弹。So some guerrillas came and ped a bench outside this small shack.

被破坏的板房当时由城管的卡车运走。The damaged shack was taken away by a chengguan truck, Zhang said.

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我想我宁愿到糖果屋去买一些枫糖味的太妃糖。I think I'd rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy.

他们外出打工之前,唐家人住在一个木制的房子里。Before they ventured out as migrants, the Tangs lived in a wooden shack.

和一个蚱蜢同居装个金牙管所有人叫“老兄”!Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!

沙克广播电台的所有人查尔斯·坦迪邀请我到他那里工作。Charles Tandy, who owned Radio Shack , asked me to come and work for him.

在纳希破烂不堪的小屋里,墙上挂着一支步枪和一支鱼叉枪。A rifle and a harpoon gun were hanging from the wall of his rickety shack.

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就像在他之前的查理·帕克,他也在吉米鸡块店洗过盘子。Like Charlie Parker before him, he washed dishes at Jimmy’s Chicken Shack.

在那有一个看台——一个小而位置较高的棚屋,仅有一条裂缝当做是窗户。They have a stand — a small slightly elevated shack with slits for windows.

夸里奇用他的GAU-90速射炮瞄准了链接室,他的手指向发射按钮按去QUARITCH levels his GAU-90 at the shack. His finger goes to the firing button