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红色斑疹。A red blotchy rash.

他全身出了一片红疹。He breaks out in a rash.

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他今天出疹子了。He came in a rash today.

他的手臂突发皮疹。A rash borke out on his arm.

他背上起痱子了。Heat rash rises on his back.

婴孩全身出了一片红疹。The baby broke out in a rash.

什么是毛发红糠疹?。What is hair red branny rash?

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她双手突然出满了皮疹。Her hands broke out in a rash.

那红疹又再度发作。That rash has flared up again.

吩咐匆忙的凝视者擦去她的眼泪。Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye.

那个小伙子有点愣头愣脑的。That young fellow is somewhat rash.

发烧和出疹是常见症状。Fever and rash were common symptoms.

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主要毒副反应为发热和皮疹。Main toxicities were fever and rash.

她将药膏轻抹在疹子上。She dabbed the ointment on the rash.

她患上了一种接触传染性皮疹。She suffers from a contact skin rash.

你是什么时候开始出疹子的?。When did you begin to have this rash?

你可以出疹子和腺体肿胀。You may get a rash and swollen glands.

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这三个是亲弟兄。Fifth brother is called Recklessly Rash.

红疹有时是一种过敏的反应。A rash is sometimes an allergic reaction.

在目前的情况下,爆破则似乎草率了些。Dynamiting seemed a bit rash at the time.