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菩提本无树。Bodhi is not a tree.

菩提本无树。Bodhi originally is no tree.

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菩提是寺院里神圣的钟声么?Bodhi temple is a sacred bell you?

菩提湾沙滩沙细水清。Bodhi fine sand beach has a clear head.

迴向主要是一个菩提愿。Dedication is essentially a Bodhi wish.

李准基…一花一世界,一叶一菩提。The world is a flower and one, a bodhi.

菩提花开烦恼尽。Worries melt when bodhi blooms so bright.

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因此,他证得菩提,成为佛。He thus attains bodhi and becomes a Buddha.

应发无上菩提之心。They should bring forth The Supreme Bodhi Mind.

日诵菩提三百句,闲看贝叶两三篇。Every day I recited bodhi three hundred sentences.

马车上的菩提和洛基。通常直播在东部时间9-5点。Bodhi and Loki on the chaise. Usually live 9-5 EST.

方寸的山很美,菩提老祖却很寂寞。Beautiful mountains in confusion, Bodhi very lonely.

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我们所做的一切都希望能让更多的有情众生多多行善及发菩提心。Our aim is to hope that everyone will do good with a Bodhi mind.

著名的菩提树街,是欧洲最著名的林荫大道。The famous Bodhi Tree Street, is Europe's most famous boulevard.

心,已经坐在菩提树下,一羽莲花,传诵淡定的空寂。Heart, already sit under the bodhi tree, a lotus, be calm and empty.

除障,乃降服一切烦恼,转无明烦恼为无上菩提。Removing the blocks is to control and turn poisons into supreme bodhi.

永不退于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心。He will never retreat from the Bodhi Mind of Anuttara- samyak-sambodhi.

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有关涅槃的知识是通过菩提这个词来表达的。The knowledge accompanying nirvana is expressed through the word bodhi.

27岁的梅根在星期五的时候向全世界介绍了她的小儿子波地。The 27-year-old introduced the world to her youngest son Bodhi on Friday.

“因此,我们必须提出一个问题,”我们如何才能唤醒菩提心?Therefore, we have to pose the question, How can we awaken the Bodhi Mind?