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美国乳粉学会“,”American Dry Milk Institute.

世界华文圣经学院。Global Chinese Bible Institute.

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海南省药品检验所。Hainan institute for drug control.

解放军电子工程学院。PLA Electronic Engineering Institute.

玛丽在纺织学院学习。Mary studies at the textile institute.

马普学会的斯托金博士说。Stoneking of the Max Planck Institute.

燃烧学会会议录。Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.

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这是伯纳特研究所的网站。This is the website of Burnet Institute.

西院为元君庙。Western Institute for the Goddess Temple.

2003年起在列宾美术学院教学。Lectures in the Repin Institute since 2003.

我公司进行机电专业施工图深化设计。M&E deepen design finshed by our institute.

我想要去在翻译者身上设立。I wish to go to institute on the translator.

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我能借用一下你们学院的广播室吗?How can I apply for CFA Institute membership?

意大利大使馆文化处,北京,中国。Italian Institute of Culture, Beijing, China.

学院在布告牌上登公告。The institute advertised on a bulletin-board.

后来他领导了延安的一个研究机构。Later he headed a research institute in Yanan.

林先生是研究所的副所长。Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute.

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这个人类延续研究所纯粹是子虚乌有。The Institute of Human Continuity is not real.

该研究所出版一份双周刊。The institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.

美国宇航局空间科学研究所喷气推进实验室Image courtesy NASA JPL, Space Science Institute