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我宣布东海第七届水晶节隆重开幕!I declare that the 7th crystal festival of Donghai open grandly.

或者我们可以更宏观地看,在更广的时间内讨论。Or we can ask the question more grandly about larger expands of time.

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今天我们汇聚一堂,隆重庆祝三八国际妇女节。Today we gather here to grandly celebrate the International Women's Day.

他一定要干出名堂来,然后风风光光迎娶她。He decided that he must make some accomplishment and then marry her grandly.

如果符合这两个条件,盛大就愿意提供平台。If accord with these two conditions, be willing to provide platform grandly.

邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass.

大概一两分钟后,我当时还坐在马桶上,那个小女孩推开洗手间的门,大模大样地走了进来。A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in.

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9月19日,国际知名家居品牌—亨利·戴中粮广场新居店惊艳揭幕。On September 19th, International brand Henry·Dai–Cofco Plaza store has grandly opened.

领导力大师们夸夸其谈地讲到,要提供一个人们愿意效仿的“故事”。Leadership gurus talk grandly about providing “a narrative” that people want to follow.

在与大家分享精彩的星座档案前,我想先为大家隆重引荐寿星们,他们是。Before sharing these Horo-files, I'd like to grandly introduce them to u all first, they are.

如何保住自身地位是作为先行者的盛大最为关心的问题。How maintaining oneself position is the cares most grandly problem that serves as forerunner.

美食街隆重推出风味自助午餐,每位38元。The delicious food street grandly bring forth local-flavor buffet lunch, 38.00 yuan per person.

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2005年盛大实施数字家庭战略,力推结合PC与电视功能的“盛大盒子”。Implemented digital family strategy grandly 2005, of thrust union PC and TV function " royal box ".

当金吉尔庄重地走向唱诗班里自己的位置时,那些此前没看到她的人向她微笑点头。Those who hadn't seen Ginger smiled and nodded as she grandly made her way to her place in the choir.

谭群钊表示,盛大看中蓝港在产品上的深厚积淀。Tan Qunzhao expresses, what take a fancy to La Gang to go up in the product grandly is deep accumulate.

热烈祝贺珠玛瑜珈海沧店,集美店,漳州店即将隆重开业。Congratulates Zhuma Yoga Haicang Shop , Jimei shop and Zhangzhou Shop soon grandly start doing business.

从奥瑟罗第一次堂皇地叙述他的爱情故事开始,魔鬼、天使在他心中交替出现。Since the first time he grandly narrates his love story, the devil and angel alternately occur ia his heart.

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4月24日,崀山风景区举行了隆重的晋升国家4A级景区挂牌庆典。On April 24, the conferring ceremony ofLangshan "National 4A-Level Scenic Area" was grandly held in Changsha.

露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.

大概一两分钟后,我当时还坐在马桶上,那个小女孩推开洗手间的门,大模大样地走了进来。A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down.