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有预约发型师的吗?An appointment with a hairstylist?

这个发型师的手艺很一般,不过至少他剪得很快。The hairstylist was doing a mediocre job, but at least he was quick.

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一个经验丰富的专业发型设计师会帮你找到合适的发型。An experienced hairstylist would help you identify the right type of hair cut.

还有个人服务,比如教钢琴,或是帮别人修剪草坪或是作一个发型师。This is individual services like teaching piano or cutting someone's grass or a hairstylist.

还有个人服务,比如教钢琴,或是帮别人修剪草坪或是作一个发型师。This is individual services like teaching piano or cutting someone's grass or a hairstylist.

你的发型师说,“哦,我知道该怎么做。我们要把你染成一头金发。”and your hairstylist says, "Oh, I know exactly what to do. We should make your hair blonde."

我是个发型师,今天我花了整整四个小时从一个小姑娘头上解这些球!I am a hairstylist and spent a total of 4 hours removing these from a little girl's hair today!

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如果你朋友的卷发发型很棒,你最好也去找那个发型师。If your friends have fabulous curls, you'll be able to get the skinny on their hairstylist too.

我记得有一个发型师,当她正给我吹干头发时,告诉我说她不敢想像一个人旅行。I remember a hairstylist in Bogota. As she blow-dryed my hair, she told me she couldn’t picture it.

我的父亲本杰明在一家纸箱厂工作的时候,后背受伤了,他学习成为一名美发师。My dad, Benjamin, injured his back working in a cardboard-box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist.

现在,您知道正确的发型师,所以如果你准备什么时候你会得到一个新的风格?Now that you know the right hairstylist , so what should you prepare when you are going to get a new style?

这位发型师诚实地告诉查达,他现在都推荐客人剪短头发,以这种方式保持客人的光顾频率。That hairstylist honestly told Chadha that he now recommended his guests to wear short hair to keep guest flow.

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如果要在妈妈和专业理发师或美容师之间进行选择,能够有多少人愿意让妈妈理发呢?How many people, if they had a choice of using mom or a professional hairstylist or cosmetologist would use, well, mom?

我也想去咨询一下专业的发型师,他们是行家,会告诉人们怎样看上去好些。I'm also thinking of consulting a professional hairstylist . They have the expertise to tell people what would look good on them.

有时候为了让求职客户拥有一个时尚的发型,马腾斯会把他们介绍到自己的发型师那里,她还鼓励求职者像他们从前那样大胆尝试新事物。She sometimes sends candidates to her hairstylist for an updated style, but she also suggests they try new gigs as fearlessly as they did in the past.

最近到香港找一位收费很高的发型师做头发时,查达问这位发型师最近的金融危机有没有影响到他的生意。Recently Chadha found a high charge hairstylist to do his hair in Hong Kong, and he asked that hairstylist whether the current financial crisis had impacted his business or not.

“这种年轻的剪发对于瓜子脸的人来说最好,比如席亚拉”纽约市的名人发型师亚历杭德拉说。Ciara chopped her long locks for a shorter, edgier do. "This young, hip cut looks best on people with heart-shaped faces, like Ciara, " says N. Y. C. -based celebrity hairstylist Alejandra.