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我每天都在联系破产受托人。I try to reach the trustee every day.

受托人对受益人负有信托义务。To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.

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玩忽职守是干掉受委托人的最佳理由。Neglect of duty is good cause for removal of a trustee.

进口商是银行的代理、委托人和受托者。The importer is the agent, trustee and bailee of the bank.

美国接受托管这领土。The United States accepted the role of Trustee of this TTPI.

受托人收入将只归咎于信托财产授予者。Trustee income will be attributed only to settlors of a trust.

受托人必须遵守并执行财产赠与人的指示。The trustee must obey and carry out be directions of the settlor.

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受托人生产的模具,委托人有权确定样品数量,受托人无异议。The trustee agreed that the trustor determine the number of samples.

哪个F号房里的天真的小宝贝把调味酱弄倒在董事身上?One of the cherubic little babes in her own room F 'sauced' a Trustee?

理事会发现,27个监测物种中还有17种尚未恢复。The Trustee Council found 17 of 27 monitored species have not recovered.

你一定要记得你是在写信给约翰格利尔之家的董事才好。You must remember that you are writing to a Trustee of the John Grier Home.

一九九九年迄今,他一直是诺丁汉加诺格力城市学院监事。He has been a Trustee of the Djanogly City Academy in Nottingham since 1999.

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有关信讬之收费,本人已授权交银信讬从信讬资产中收取。BoCom Trustee is authorised to collect the trustee fees from the Trust Assets.

唯一受讬人的信讬基金须由唯一受讬人签署。For Trust with a Sole Trustee, application must be signed by the Sole Trustee.

中国民间文艺家协会会员,山西分会理事。He is a member of Chinese Folk Artists Association and a trustee in Shangxi Branch.

泽尔丹先生是国际购物中心协会的终身理事。Mr. Riordan is a Trustee for Life of the International Council of Shopping Centers.

受托机构更换贷款服务机构应及时通知借款人。The trustee shall inform timely the borrower of the replacement of the loan servicer.

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此37.3条款适用于客户是养老金基金受托人的情况。This clause 37.3 will apply where the Customer is a trustee of a superannuation fund.

如果他帮助受托人不诚实地违反信托,他将被判处承担法律责任。He will be found liable if he assists a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust.

人们对我国托管人制度的合理性和有效性也产生了质疑。There are doubts about the reasonableness and effectiveness of Chinese trustee system.