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那么如果我们把那画个草图。So if we just sketch that.

它像不像一个画板?Is it like an Etch-a Sketch?

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那素描真是太神奇了。The sketch was rather amazing.

他在画稿上添衬上阴影。He fills in a sketch with shadow.

她正在给铅笔画稿描上墨。She was inking in a pencil sketch.

树木和黄水仙色的勾勒。Sketch the trees and the daffodils.

画画得先打个底子。Make a rough sketch before you draw.

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艺术家设想的美国航天港Artist's sketch of Spaceport America.

略图已拟就。The rough sketch has been blocked in.

他为这些芭蕾舞者画了一张素描。He did a sketch of the ballet dancers.

素描,是任何造型艺术的基础。Sketch is the basic of any plastic arts.

他正在把一幅速写加工成一幅画。He is working up a sketch into a picture.

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选取草图的最右侧直线。Select the right-most line of the sketch.

裁剪师可以很容易地读懂图纸。A pattern cutter can read a sketch easily.

首先,让我简述一下另一个基本观点First, let me sketch the other basic view.

开始并不用自己买一个草图画板。Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.

素描是一切造型艺术的基础。The sketch is all plastic arts foundation.

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请找出反函数,并绘图。Please find the inverse function and sketch.

现场为喜欢的人画个素苗。Make a sketch at site for the person you like.

他概说了自己在这件事中的作用。Sketch He sketched his own part in the affair.