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伊朗和衣索比亚则压抑异议人士的声音。Iran and Ethiopia are silencing dissident voices.

他开始通过各种途径和保守派贵族们进行密谋He begins to plot in various ways with dissident Boyars.

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首先是保守派贝隆主义者中一个持不同政见的联盟。The first is a dissident coalition of conservative Peronists.

孙文是从中国流亡的一位著名不同政见者。Sun Yat-sen was a prominent dissident who had been exiled from China.

中国开枪打死反国家人士,恐怖分子或持不同政见者。China shoots and kills every single anti-national, terrorist, or dissident at gun point.

反对资本主义的李宪源是否由于其不同政见而遭到警方指控?Has Li suffered police prosecution for being an anti-capitalism dissident as he alleged?

他也曾因为有持不同政见的作家出席2009年法兰克福书展而退出该活动。He also withdrew from the Frankfurt BookFair in 2009 because dissident writers were attending.

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谢晦虽能顺应潮流,佐命新朝,但终被视为异己。Xie Hui could go with the stream and assist the new ruler, but he was still regarded as a dissident.

当一个异议者混进了董事会,这种情况变得更加艰难。The atmosphere became even more difficult when a group of dissident directors were put into the board mix.

根据本·天行者的预感,这名科雷利亚持不同政见者在科洛桑被银河同盟卫队逮捕。Corellian dissident arrested by the Galactic Alliance Guard on Coruscant based on a hunch by Ben Skywalker.

我们是否愿意捍卫缅甸持不同政见者的人权、支持伊朗的博客作者或津巴布韦的选民?Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe?

辉格党人在19世纪中叶与持分歧定见的托利党人组盟组成自由党。The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party.

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辉格党人在19世纪中叶与持不同意见的托利党人组成联盟,建立自由党。The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and benete the Liberal Party.

但是到1963年为止,吴庭艳政府名誉扫地,以至于美国对于由一位异议将军发动的政变袖手旁观。But by 1963, Diem's government was so discredited that the US did nothing to stop a coup by dissident generals.

冈萨雷斯·阿尔方索是因努力促进和平变革而于2003年3月被捕的26位异议新闻工作者之一。González Alfonso is one of 26 dissident journalists arrested in March 2003 for trying to promote peaceful change.

她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi.

确实,他因作为苏联氢弹之父、持异议者与政治犯而标榜史册。Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner.

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他表示,伊朗的这一举动是德黑兰加紧打压人权律师和异议人士的一个迹象。He said Irans actions are a sign of the increasing pressure Tehran is putting on the human rights lawyer and dissident.

四月初逮捕持不同政见的艺术家AWW,党已经在面对着对一些列国际上的批评。It is already facing a barrage of international criticism over the early April arrest of Ai Weiwei, a dissident artist.

除了少数人认为薪水加得太少而持有异议外,所有的罢工者都欢迎这个折中的办法。The compromise was welcomed by all the strikers except a small dissident group who felt that the raises were too small.