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夺杯荣耀!Cup glory!

茶杯把儿!Cup handles!

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罩杯测量。Cup measurement.

我有一保绿杯子。I've a green cup.

哪个是你的茶杯?Which is you cup?

她用嘴唇接触杯子。She lipped the cup.

爱情是甜蜜的苦酒。Love is a sweet cup.

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来一杯山度士奶茶?Santos a cup of tea?

杯子上有一道璺。The cup has a crack.

请给我一个荼杯。Give me a cup please.

他把这杯喝干了。He drank the cup dry.

好的,来一杯摩卡咖啡。A cup of coffee,please.

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泡一杯鼠尾草茶。Brew a cup of sage tea.

给你自己倒杯咖啡吧。Get your cup of coffee.

霍布说了个笑话,我来泡杯茶。I'll make a cup of tea.

我给你倒杯茶吧。Shall I pour you a cup?

他痛饮了一杯酒。He swills a cup of wine.

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从我的杯子里喝过水。And drinking from my cup.

把这个杯子交给警察。Give this cup to the cop.

喝杯茶吧,南西。Have a cup of tea, Nancy.