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在资本主义市场经济中,消费者是至高无上的。In the capitalistic market economy the consumers are supreme.

任何资本主义制度都不会对消费者的这种主权地位存有异议。The supremacy of the consumers is not contested by any capitalistic institution.

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近代以来,资本主义国家在这个地区展开了“大角逐”。During the neoteric times, capitalistic countries played "Great Game" in this place.

资本主义国家的自由让投放在工人身上的人均资本增加。The freedom that exists in capitalistic countries results in more invested capital per worker.

溪赞人必须接受汉语教育来在我们的极端滋笨煮艺化的文化中胜出。Tibetans must be educated in Mandarin Chinese to succeed in our extremely capitalistic culture.

近代中国的邮政人事制度是一种资本主义的人事制度。The personnel system of postal service in modern China is a kind of capitalistic personnel system.

事实上,像美国这样的资本主义国家里面,大部分穷人并不处于这样的状态。In reality, most of the poor in capitalistic countries such as the United States are not in such a state.

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资本主义生产方式淡化了人的发展,导致了严重的环境问题。The capitalistic mode of production downplayed human′s development, causing the severe environment problem.

福特主义和后福特主义是两种与传统的资本主义有着极大区别的生产方式。On the procreative mode, Fordism and post-Fordism is brightly discriminated from the traditional capitalistic.

在资本主义社会中,是管理人员将社会资源用于这种各样的经常是此消彼长的目的。In capitalistic societies, it is managers who allocate society's resources to various and often competing ends.

霍克海默对工具理性的批判,揭开了资本主义批判史上的新篇章。Horkheimer's critical theory on instrumental reason opens a new chapter in the history of capitalistic criticism.

自二十世纪七十年代中叶以来,西方资本主义社会开始逐步迈入后工业社会。Since the mid-1970s, the western capitalistic society had been gradually exceeding into the Post-industrial society.

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英国是崇尚自然和自给自足的国家,是否会加入欧盟还是一个未知数。The British economy is capitalistic in nature and serve-oriented. It is uncertain whether the UK will join the Euro.

国家荣誉就是从事体育的追求,这样社会主义性质的动机不同于资本主义下的美国。The pursuit of sport is for national pride. The motivation is societal, as opposed to capitalistic in the United States.

资本主义近代化的主体是资本主义工业化,而资本主义工业化的核心则是产业革命。The principal part of capitalistic modernization is its industrialization, the core of which is the Industrial Revolution.

资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality.

法兰克福学派无情揭露和批判了当代西方资本主义社会的各种弊病,以社会批判理论而闻明于世。The Frankfurt School criticizes the west capitalistic society sternly. It is famed for its critical theory around the world.

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两者保持着其资本主义的生产制度和生活方式不变,享有广泛的经济政治自治。Both of them maintain their capitalistic mode of production and life style, enjoying extensive autonomy on polity and economy.

租界既是殖民侵略的桥头堡,又是先进的资本主义文明在落后的封建中国的窗口。Concession is both the bridgehead of colonial aggression and the widow through which capitalistic civilization spread in China.

一旦我们有了选择所拥有物品的自由,就打破了资本主义社会施加在我们头上的约束。When we chose freedom from material possessions, we broke the control that our consumer-driven, capitalistic society has over us.