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我去下洗手间。I want to go to the washroom.

对不起,我要上厕所了。Sorry, I had to go to the washroom.

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直接抱我去卫生间。Carry me into the washroom directly.

你知道哪里有冲厕吗?Do you know where I can find a washroom?

我很抱歉,我以为这儿是女厕所。I thought this was the women's washroom.

在厕所的对面有洗漱间。Opposite the toilet there is a washroom.

他是写在厕所墙壁上的笑话?Is it jokes scribbled on the washroom wall?

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她去洗手间化妆了,一会儿就来。She went to the washroom to put on make-up.

果不出我所料,卫生间有人占用。As I expected, somebody was using the washroom.

有,在每节车厢的末端都有洗漱间。Yes, there is a washroom at the end of each carriage.

卫生间的橱柜上有描花的瓷器门钮,真的很美妙。Floral china knobs on the washroom cabinets. What charm.

她脱光身上的衣服,赤身裸体从洗手间跑了出来。She took off all her clothes and ran out of the washroom.

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管子漏水,所以盥洗室的地上满都是水。It is leaking, so the washroom floor is full of water now.

噢涌出我无论如何真正地没有使用我的洗手间!Oh gushes out I truly not to use my washroom in any event!

楼上有两间卧室,有各自的洗脸间。There are two bedrooms upstairs, each with its own washroom.

因此,蒂亚戈把吉利锁在厕所里作为对他的小报复。Thus, Tiago locked Cobolli in the washroom as a sort of revenge.

穿过密密层层的人群挪向厕所简直是困难之极。It is impossible in the dense crowd to push through to the washroom.

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在我的新学校里,只要你想上厕所你随时都可以去,我喜欢这个规定。In my new school you can go to the washroom whenever you like. I like this rule.

人们可以在洗手间方便,洗手以及冲澡。A washroom is where people can use the toilet, wash their hands, and take a shower.

厕所内应备皂液及用后即弃的纸巾或干手巾。The washroom shall be provided with liquid soap and disposable tissue or dry towel.