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与我省邻接的地区遭受了一次地震。An earthquake hit the area abutting our province.

行人通道紧連英皇道及兴发街。A pedestrian passage abutting King's Road and Hing Fat Street.

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再说,这已经把价格压到熟产费用的边缘了。Moreover, we've kept the price abutting to the costs of assembly.

那座倚山建造的房子在风暴雪中屹立不动。The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.

起初是两个板块相互连接在一起,或者彼此滑动过去。At first it is two plates abutting each other or sliding past each other.

希腊于2001年1月1日参加欧元区,成为第十二个成员国。Greece became the twelfth member if it abutting the euro on January 1 2001.

我想她会给家人和几位密友打电话。I anticipate she would have alleged family associates and a few abutting friends.

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注意,紧靠的物业永远是毗邻的,而毗邻的物业可能不一定紧靠着。Note, an abutting property will always be adjacent but an adjacent property may not be abutting.

巴基斯坦军方的全部精力都放在应对在毗邻阿富汗的部族地区内频繁活动的塔利班和基地组织。Its hands are full tackling the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the tribal areas of the country abutting Afghanistan.

与县城相邻的一座山坡上曾出现裂缝,人们担心山体滑坡会掩埋部分城区。A mountain slope abutting the town had shown a crack, leading to fears it could smother part of the city in a landslide.

该剧院没有窗户,两个剧场占据了毗邻周边停车场的北部边缘。Conceived as windowless boxes, the two theatres occupy the northern edge of the site, abutting a neighboring parking lot.

系列对焊机广泛应用于钢、铁、铜、铝杆等材料的对接。UN1 series butt-welders are widely used for abutting joint with the materials such as steel, iron, copper and aluminum rod.

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因此,光纤的核心目的可能紧靠精确地控制每个横在路毗连的其他套管。Thus, fiber optic core ends within the abutting ferrules may abut each other with precisely controlled transverse alignment.

温州市华昌集团剃须刀厂坐落在温州市区吴桥工业园区,交通便捷,环境优美。Wenzhou huachang group razor factory, abutting wuqiao industrial zone, enjoying convenient traffic and beautiful environment.

共有种反映毗邻生境节肢动物群落的相互作用程度及其潜在互作途径的多样性。Common species generally imply the interacting intensity and approaches in two arthropod communities in different types of abutting habitats.

病源体可直接感染咽部,也可由邻近组织感染,如鼻腔、鼻窦、甚至龋齿蔓延而来。Pathogen can infect the pharynx directly, and be infected by abutting areas such as the nasal cavities, the paranasal sinus or from decayed teeth.

工程实践表明,该方法安全、可靠,是解决软土地区毗邻房屋接建中地基处理问题的一种较好方法。The projects' practice shows that the method is a safe and credible way to solve soft soil disposal problems in abutting buildings extension engineering.

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并在此基础上采用一定的加密、正交化方法,生成了三维反向喷流流场分区对接结构网格。Using the program to generate 3-D multi-block abutting structured grid of reverse jet flow field with the controlling of concentration and orthogonalization.

数十家矿业公司正沿着与4万4087公里海岸线毗连的狭长陆地带进行地毯式搜索,搜寻着钻石,黄金,红宝石和更多的异国珍宝。Dozens of mining companies are trawling the narrow strip of land abutting its 44,087-kilometre coastline for diamonds, gold and rubies and possibly more exotic treasures.

作为印度的金融中心--孟买国际机场却建在一个脏乱的贫民窟旁,就这点来说,孟买永远也无法和上海、新加坡和东京等都市相提并论。But having a squalid slum abutting an international airport doesn't exactly put India's financial capital on the path to joining the ranks of Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo.