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剪下一段烛光,将经纶点亮。Out a wax candle snipping slight , to light up your darkness.

其供气系统实现线辫剪断和油雾润滑的喷射。It's pneumatic system act the thread- snipping and lube spray.

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每做一个决定,你都会抛弃你所不要的选择。With every decision, you're snipping away the choice you don't want.

在你已经打开它之后,接下来要剪断连接电池盒的导线以及连接传感器的导线。After you have opened it, continue by snipping the wires to the battery compartment, and sensor.

用它可以轻松的完成厨房的日常工作。从剪碎新鲜香草到去除干酪包装。Put them to work on dozens of light kitchen tasks, from snipping fresh herbs to cutting cheese cloth.

在她的另一项有关眼斑的研究中,毁掉雄性孔雀的20只羽毛也就毁掉了求偶成功的可能性。Among her other eyespot studies, snipping 20 feather tips out of males’ trains ruined courtship success.

查理边拿着剪子修剪着田里的谷物边问。Charlie asked as he grabbed a pair of scissors and started snipping off the heads of the grain in the grain field.

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把南茜制作的新世界地图剪碎,放在你的眼前,你就会看见这些风是从何处来的。Take the globe produced by snipping Nancy's New Geo map and turn it under your gaze, and you will see where these winds will establish themselves.

举个例子,如果你给我发送一封邮件,邀请我在一个会议上发言,我问发言的主题是什么,你可能只回复我这个主题,剪去了所有关于这个会议的细节。For example, if you send me an invitation to speak at a conference and I ask what the topic is, you might reply with just the topic, snipping out all the details of the conference.

只要一段新闻或者电视节目之类的被传到了网上,读者就会在博客上对其进行评论,把他们喜欢的部分摘出来单独传播。Whenever a newspaper story or TV clip or blog post or white paper goes online, readers and viewers begin commenting about it on blogs, snipping their favorite sections, passing them along.