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为了方便取食水果?An adaptation for fruit foraging?

适应问题的核心是资金。The core of adaptation is funding.

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这是另一本书的改写本。This is an adaptation of another book.

这也有利于避免享乐性适应。This also helps to avoid hedonic adaptation.

减排和适应必须携手共进。Mitigation and adaptation must go hand in hand.

就是由月亮上的玉兔演化过来的。It is an adaptation of the jade hare on the moon.

地下灌溉的适用性是有限制的。Subsurface irrigation is limited in its adaptation.

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这个模型内里连接着某种类型的适应。There is a type of adaptation wired into the model.

我经历了适应韩国文化的过程。I went through adaptation process to Korean culture.

这是非基督教所改制的黄道十二宫的十字架。It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac.

Bokeh一词来自日文,原意指模糊不清或是污点。is an adaptation from a a Japanese word meaning blur.

还值得注意的是,适配可能是有损耗的。It is also worth noting that adaptation might be lossy.

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这完全取决于对新时空的适应情况。It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time.

把剧本改编成广播稿很容易。The adaptation of the play for radio manuscript was easy.

建议设立长期适应基金,但没有明确来源。Long-term adaptation funds proposed –but no clear sources.

水波纹点击效果详细使用与适配。Click the water ripple effect use and adaptation in detail.

这个改编版本也是配方构造的基础。This adaptation is also the basis for the recipe construct.

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适配还可能被认为是“加速的强制同型”。Adaptation might also be thought of as "coercion on steroids."

这就是沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应。This is the adaptation of desert specie to the hot conditions.

这部剧在六月份演出的时候,十个晚上都是场场爆满。The new adaptation played to full-houses for ten nights in June.