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它也是天门冬氨醯苯丙氨酸甲酯的两种成分之一。It is one of the two components of aspartame.

阿斯巴甜于25年前被首次推向市场。Aspartame first came on the market 25 years ago.

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使用阿斯巴甜和代糖也有助于消除你对真糖的欲望。Using aspartame and saccharin may also help purge the urge for real sugar.

使用阿斯巴甜和糖精也有助于消除你对真糖的欲望。Using aspartame and saccharin may also help purge the urge for real sugar.

信不信由你,但也有一种危险,从停止你的摄入量,如果阿斯巴甜。Believe it or not, but there's also a danger from ceasing your intake if aspartame.

未见阿斯巴甜在生殖行为和泌乳方面的不良反应。Aspartame has not been shown to have adverse effects on reproductive activity or lactation.

提出了一种以离子色谱法分离、积分安培法检测复合甜味剂和饮料中甜味素的新方法。A new method for the determination of aspartame in compound sweeteners and drinks was proposed.

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你咀嚼过的无糖口香糖就可能包含阿斯巴甜或其他甜味剂。That sugar-free gum you've been chewing on probably contains aspartame or some other sweetener.

该美国委员会同样考查了超过五百份关于阿斯巴甜的研究,推断出这种物质是安全的。The U.S. panel also reviewed more than 500 aspartame studies and concluded the substance is safe.

例如,上面所提到的美国专家委员会,是由一阿斯巴甜生产公司成立的。The U.S. experts-panel study cited above, for example, was funded by a company that produces aspartame.

因此食用人造糖精的人比吃蔗糖的人更不容易达到他们的减肥目的。Thus it appears that people consuming aspartame rather than sugar are unlikely to achieve their dietary goals.

基于几项长期研究结果,阿斯巴甜不具有致癌或促癌活性。Based on results of several long term studies, aspartame does not have carcinogenic or cancer-promoting activity.

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利用四阶导数光谱法从而不经任何分离手段测定了软饮料中阿斯巴甜和苯甲酸的含量。A method of fourth derivative UV spectrophotometric determination of aspartame and benzoate in soft beverage was studied.

在最近的惊慌中,一群意大利研究人员发现以大量阿斯巴甜喂养的老鼠有患癌症的迹象。In the most recent scare, a group of Italian researchers found evidence that rats fed lots of aspartame developed cancer.

阿斯巴甜是一种非营养性甜味剂,其甜度大约是蔗糖的200倍。A non-nutritive sweetener, aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose, the accepted standard for sweetness.

早期,阿斯巴甜被诟病于其导致的头疼及神经问题,其中包括癫痫和脑肿瘤。Early on, aspartame was charged with causing headaches and other neurological problems, including seizures and brain tumors.

大多数人工甜味剂,比如糖精、阿斯巴特和三氯蔗糖,都能产生普通糖一样的甜味,但不会产生热量。Most artificial sweeteners — saccharin, aspartame and sucralose, for example — offer the sweetness of sugar without the calories.

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阿巴斯甜的安全性问题第一次引起人们的注意是在2005年,ERF发表了它的第一个关于甜味剂致癌的研究报道。The safety of aspartame was first called into question in 2005 when ERF published its first study on the sweetener's link to cancer.

位于意大利博洛尼亚的欧洲拉马奇尼基金会的莫兰多·索弗里蒂博士指责美国人在研究中并未对阿斯巴甜和其它种类的甜味剂加以区分,而且也没有计算一个人终生食用甜味剂的数量。He contended the U.S. research didn't distinguish between aspartame and other sweetener use and did not measure lifetime sweetener use.

阿斯巴甜经济易得,以阿斯巴甜为原料合成纽甜是目前最具有发展前景的工艺。It is found that using aspartame as raw material to synthesize neotame is the most promising process because aspartame is cheap and readily available.