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一群鹅挺着脖子在大道上走着。A flock of geese perked down the roadway.

他击出的球撞到一棵树上而反弹到路上。His drive hit a tree and caromed off into a roadway.

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它的外观和质感都象是普通的黑色坚硬柏油路。It looks and feels like ordinary black, hard roadway.

该引桥坡道是双层公路桥。The approach ramp is a double deck roadway structure.

古时候,一位国王将一块巨石放在路上。In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway.

当我开近它时,我看到它开始横越道路。As I drew closer to it, I saw it start to cross over the roadway.

中间电车道落低到车行道以下。The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation.

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爬坡车道的设置可显著改善陡坡路段的行车条件。Climbing roadway can improve the condition of the steep slope road.

高压钠灯是城镇道路照明的主要电光源之一。High voltage sodium lamp is the leading source of roadway illumination.

他在倾盆而降的大雨中踏着满道泥泞,漫步而行。He tramped in the mud and slush of the roadway through the pouring rain.

从车道上的痕迹来看,他似乎在急转弯时打滑了。Marks in the roadway seem to indicate that he skidded taking a sharp turn.

不管谁站在路上为维多利亚女王欢呼,谁就会给爱尔兰带来羞辱。Whoever stands by the roadway cheering for Queen Victoria dishonours Ireland.

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这两个组成部分是通过一种被称为总线的电子线路连接起来。The two components are connected by a kind of electronic roadway called a bus.

铝开始熔化成液体,然后汇集成流,在路面上流淌。As the aluminum began to melt, it pooled off and ran off onto the roadway surface.

一个灰袍陌生男人,紧紧系着一根腰带,在路上走。A strange man in a brown robe, tied with a whipcord belt, walked along the roadway.

巷道掘进与支护是采矿工程的技术关键。The roadway excavation and supporting are crucial techniques in mining engineering.

我倾向于有一点改变方向远离车行道和下车的边缘以远。I tended to veer slightly away from the edge of the roadway and the drop-off beyond.

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在下一个和最大的阶段,计划涉及重建外滩巷道。The next and largest stage of the plan involves a reconstruction of the Bund roadway.

岁月,已经是那样古老了。古老得就像茶马古道上的漫漫征途。Ages, have been such crusted . Likes a boundless journey on Tea-Horse ancient roadway.

他们重铺一段很长的巷道,交通仅限于单向的。They were repaving a long section of the roadway , and traffic was limited to one-way.