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你是谢达泽先生吗?You are Mr. Xie Daze?

我神思恍惚地向英语教室走去。I made my way to English in a daze.

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他茫然的下了车。He stepped from the truck in a daze.

今天,我从一个大觉中醒来。Today, I woke up in a complete daze.

要么就什么也不做在那里独自发呆。Or we do nothing alone, where a daze.

恍惚中我们错过了如此多的美好。We miss so much when we live in a daze.

安妮和佩吉在一起,佩吉好像在发呆。Anne joins Peggy, who seems to be in a daze.

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常常找一两个朋友把自己喝的迷迷糊糊。Often find a friend or two to drink in a daze.

身为基督徒,我们有时也会感到茫茫然。As Christians, we sometimes feel in a daze too.

提升近程攻击力和眩晕效果。Has advanced short-range power and daze effects.

吃大泽山葡萄,品农家风情。Eat Daze Mountain Grape, farmhouse style products.

我一着急就怎么想也想不起来了。I got in a daze and it completely slipped my mind.

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星期日爱独坐人少的咖啡室发呆。I like daze to sit in the cafe by myself on Sunday.

我总是怔怔地往着路的那边发呆。I always stared the other side of the road in a daze.

妻子一时说不出话来,安静的坐了下来,一脸的茫然。The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze.

我到了纽约后,有好几天感到恍恍惚惚的。When I arrived in New York, I was in a daze for a few days.

向骑单轮车的玩家扔水果现在可以眩晕目标了。Thrown fruit can now proc Daze on a target riding a unicycle.

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她很芒然,不明白发生了什么事。She was in a daze and could not understand what was happening.

在这段时间里,我依旧迷乱而不敢相信自己的好运气。I'm in a daze and some days still can't believe my great fortune.

轻叩门的声音把他从幻想中拉回来。The sound of light rapping on the door pulled him out of his daze.