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小雪花从天空飘落。Little snowflake falling from the sky.

没有雪花落到不该落的地方。No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.

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星型连接也支持雪花模式。Star join supports snowflake schema as well.

打开,你将有一片漂亮的雪花。Unfold, and you'll have a beautiful snowflake.

每一片雪花的晶格都是六边形的。The lattice of every snowflake is six-sided in shape.

雪花融化时,这些杰作便会永远消失。When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost.

他给了我一个包装纸上有雪花图案的小白盒。He gave me a small white box that had snowflake wrapping on it.

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仔细一看,每朵花似冰晶,像雪花。A closer look every flower like ice crystals, like the snowflake.

薄脆饼——天使之饼——就像麦色的雪片在舌尖融化。Oplatki—Angel Bread—melted like a wheaty snowflake on the tongue.

你有没有见过比雪花更完美的东西?January 21 Have you ever seen anything more perfect than a snowflake?

每片雪花的六个顶点都略微不同,总都是独一无二。Each snowflake – a variation of the six points – is nonetheless unique.

你能帮我告诉巴特,我在等他一起去雪树银花舞会吗?Could you tell Bart that I'm waiting for him to go to the snowflake ball?

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在显微镜下观察,刚飘下的雪花呈精巧的六角形。Seen under a microscope , a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape.

你的个人的能量矩阵像一个雪片-没有两个是完全的相似。Your individual energy matrix is like a snowflake — no two are exactly alike.

松枝带着我的问候,伴着雪花飘到你身边。Loose branch is taking my greeting, accompanying snowflake to wave beside you.

开发人员也可以选择雪花型,因为它通常节省了数据存储。Developers can also elect the snowflake because it typically saves data storage.

十五岁的雪花,被旅居海外的姨妈接走。Snowflake of 15 years old, the maternal aunt that is resided abroad is received.

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并且,偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,就像跳舞一样。And, occasionally a naughty little snowflake swirl to fall down, just like dance.

政府一再成形,一再瓦解,如狂风中的雪花般易逝。Governments have formed and disintegrated faster than a snowflake in a Himalayan gale.

制作雪花,雪花壁挂,我们一点一点地堆成一个雪人。Snowflake rubbings, snowflake wall hanging, and we glued bits and pieces on a snowman.