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吃荔枝过敏了,怎么办?。Take litchi allergy, how to do?

吃鲜荔枝蜜,倒是时候。It was the best time for litchi honey though.

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我喜欢荔枝果冻和所有荔枝味的食物。I like litchi jelly and all litchi taste food.

要治口臭症中国家常菜中国家常菜,荔枝与粥炖。To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.

在挑选荔枝的时候要注意两点小窍门。There are two knacks to note in the Litchi selection.

荔枝也许是世上最鲜最美的水果。Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.

其它区域为荔枝商业性经济栽培适宜区。The other area is suitable for litchi commercial planting.

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这些结果对荔枝的综合研究具有参考价值。The results have reference value to litchi synthetic study.

荔枝胚蛋白质的提取方法。A method for extracting embryo proteins in litchi chinensis sonn.

如此挑选的荔枝,味道一定会很甘甜。The Litchi you chosen follow the knacks above will be very sweet.

深圳的荔枝真多,我可以大饱口福了。There is so much litchi in Shenzhen. I can eat as many as I like.

你像一株成熟的荔枝树,挂满硕果累累。You, Like a ripe litchi , have branches full of borne rich fruits.

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其中,桂味和糯米糍是上佳的品种,也是鲜食之选。The top variety of choices is the cinnamon-taste Litchi and Nuomici.

每年,养蜂人都会赶来采蜜,荔枝蜜是很好的东西。Every year, beekeepers will come honey, litchi honey is a good thing.

荔枝是我国南方特有的佳果,味道十分可口、鲜美。Litchi is unique in South China good fruit, delicious, delicious taste.

早在唐初,荔枝已属享有盛名之美味。In the early days of Tang Dynasty, litchi had won the title of delicacy.

所以,不得在等妈妈经你剥荔枝的时候痛哭流涕!So, can not at etc. the mother shell litchi by you of time cry bitterly !

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草莓,黑醋栗,荔枝和芒果是一些受欢迎风味的酸奶。Strawberry, blackcurrant, litchi and mango are some popular flavoured yoghurt.

工厂生产黑色软牛皮和荔枝纹皮皮具有很大成本优势。Factory production Black soft leather and litchi stria Pipi great cost advantage.

荔枝是无患子科荔枝属植物,原产于中国。Litchi is a plant of Litchi department of Sapindaceae, and originated from China.